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Новости за 02.05.2018

„Fahrlässig": Bildungsgewerkschaft GEW kritisiert Scholz' Sparkurs


Die Gewerkschaft für Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW) hat sich kritisch zum Haushaltsentwurf von Bundesfinanzminister Olaf Scholz (SPD) geäußert. „Die GEW erwartet von der Regierung die Umsetzung der ,Offensive für Bildung, Forschung und Digitalisierung‘“, sagte GEW-Chefin Marlis Tepe gegenüber Business Insider. Ohne genug Geld sei der Schulterschluss zwischen Bund, Ländern und Kommunen nicht möglich, kritisierte Tepe.

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How Duolingo's CEO went from being a 10-year-old video-game bootlegger to building a $700 million company


Chantal Heijnen for Duolingo

  • Duolingo cofounder and CEO Luis von Ahn is a crowdsourcing pioneer and the recipient of a MacArthur Fellowship, commonly known as a "Genius Grant."
  • Von Ahn grew up comfortably in Guatemala City but traveled to the United States to join the American tech scene.
  • He is one of the creators of "captcha" technology, as well as its "recaptcha" successor, which helped digitize a year of New York Times articles in a week.
  • His language learning app... Читать дальше...

Bitcoin 101: Your essential guide to cryptocurrency


Thomson Reuters

Bitcoin is everywhere.

The cryptocurrency is seemingly in the news every day as investors and businesses try to understand the future of this digital finance.

But what is Bitcoin all about?See the rest of the story at Business Insider

See Also:

  • Half of all transit payments in London are contactless
  • The Royal Bank of Scotland is giving neobanks some competition
  • PayPal and eBay finalize new agreement

Theresa May signals Brexit retreat on the customs union as Downing Street say her position is 'evolving'


Jack Taylor / Getty

  • A spokesman for Theresa May says her position on the customs union is "evolving".
  • The comments come ahead of a Cabinet showdown over her plans for a "customs partnership" with the European Union.
  • Senior figures in the government are reportedly prepared to resign over her plans.
  • Downing Street now insists it is considering "a number of options" for Britain's future customs arrangements.

LONDON — Theresa May's plans to... Читать дальше...

FBI data reveals some of the lowest-crime cities in nearly every US state


Associated Press

Every year, the US Federal Bureau of Investigation releases crime statistics that it compiles from cities across the country. The most recent report looks at metro areas in 39 states (plus Washington, DC) with a population over 100,000 between January 2017 to June 2017.

The FBI has tallied the number of violent crimes committed in these cities, including murder, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. Business Insider took these violent crime rates per 10,000 people... Читать дальше...

15 small businesses that are making people healthier, wealthier, smarter, and happier


Daniela Spector

  • Cool small businesses emerge every day across the US.
  • We put together a list of 15 small businesses that make people healthier, wealthier, smarter, or happier.
  • Those small businesses include the independent bookstore Books are Magic and the beach-bound shuttle service The Free Ride.

Across the US, new small businesses are popping up every day. And they're rapidly revolutionizing areas like transportation, food, fashion and beauty, and gaming. Читать дальше...

„Steigern Investitionen“: Finanzminister Scholz verteidigt umstrittenen Haushaltsplan


Bundesfinanzminister Olaf Scholz hat dem aus seinen Haushaltszahlen abgeleiteten Eindruck widersprochen, der Bund investiere in den nächsten Jahren weniger. „Es wird mehr investiert“, sagte Scholz am Mittwoch in Berlin. Manche Investitionen allerdings schlügen sich nicht Haushaltszahlen nieder.  „Manche Investitionen sind nicht unter Investitionen verbucht“, sagte er. Was die EU angehe, so würden für den nächsten mehrjährigen Haushalt der Union, wenn es bei der aktuellen Praxis bliebe, die deutschen... Читать дальше...

2 major things Target employees wish they could tell shoppers, but can't


Robert F. Bukaty/AP Images

  • Target store employees told Business Insider that they have a few things they wish they could ask shoppers to stop doing.
  • Business Insider asked 18 Target team members to discuss the things that they wish they could tell customers — but can't.
  • For the most part, their responses fell into two major categories: Don't be rude, and don't make a mess.

Target store employees have a few complaints about the behavior of certain shoppers. Читать дальше...

Bitcoin Cash gets a boost after being added to a London exchange


Markets Insider

  • London Block Exchange on Wednesday announced it would support two more cryptocurrencies: bitcoin cash and ethereum classic.
  • Bitcoin cash rose 8% on the news, while ethereum classic was up just under 1%.
  • Follow the price of bitcoin cash in real-time here.

Bitcoin cash was up more than 7%, outpacing other major cryptocurrencies, Wednesday morning after London Block Exchange said it would support trading of the fourth-largest cryptocurrency. Читать дальше...

People feeding kangaroos at an Australian sanctuary have made the animals so aggressive they're putting people in the hospital


WARNING: Graphic images below.

  • A rural site north of Sydney has become an unofficial tourism attraction because people can interact with kangaroos.
  • People are feeding the animals to get their attention, but it has begun to change their behaviour and some roos have become aggressive.
  • Several visitors have been injured, hospitalised and needed stitches as a result.
  • A local politician is calling for a coordinated response to improve facilities at the unofficial site and educate people about the dangers. Читать дальше...

14 ways the Marvel Cinematic Universe could change after 'Avengers: Infinity War'



Spoiler Warning: Don't read if you have yet to see "Avengers: Infinity War."

The future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe may appear bleak after "Avengers: Infinity War," but there's still plenty to expect from the franchise going forward.

It's not bleak in terms of interest: Audiences are coming out in droves for the movie. But the ending leaves the fate of many characters up in the air, and the characters spared face an uncertain road ahead.

That doesn't mean there's no hope left, however. Читать дальше...

Diese Nachricht könnte Türkeis Wirtschaft in den Abgrund reißen und Erdogan gleich mit


Die Ratingagentur Standard & Poor's (S&P) hat die Kreditwürdigkeit der Türkei tiefer in den sogenannten Ramschbereich herabgestuft. Wie die Bonitätsprüfer in der Nacht auf Mittwoch mitteilten, sinkt die Ratingnote um eine Stufe auf „BB-“. Das ist die dritthöchste Note im Ramsch- oder Junkbereich, mit dem Ratingagenturen riskante Anlagen kennzeichnen. Der Ausblick ist stabil, es droht damit zunächst keine weitere Abstufung. Dennoch dürfte die Nachricht die Sorgen in Ankara vergrößern.

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Struggling Russia cuts military spending — and it could weaken its forces worldwide


REUTERS/Sergei Karpukhin

  • Russian military spending fell by a fifth last year, its first decline in nearly two decades, with tighter purse-strings likely to affect Moscow's military activity ahead.
  • But while global military spending rose one percent to $1,739 billion last year, Russia's fell 20 percent in real terms to $66.3 billion.
  • Russia's finances are still fragile following a two-year economic downturn brought on by Western sanctions and a collapse in global oil prices. Читать дальше...

THE IoT PLATFORMS REPORT: How software is helping the Internet of Things evolve


BI Intelligence

This is a preview of a research report from Business Insider Intelligence, Business Insider's premium research service. To learn more about Business Insider Intelligence, click here.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is growing rapidly as companies around the world connect thousands of devices every day. But behind those devices, there’s a sector worth hundreds of billions of dollars supporting the IoT. 

Platforms are the glue that holds the IoT together, allowing... Читать дальше...

Trump is on the warpath against Mueller's questioning — but he might not be able to take the heat


  • President Donald Trump was reportedly threatened with a grand-jury subpoena if he refuses to sit down with prosecutors in the Russia probe.
  • People close to Trump say he's angry about it, and spoiling for a fight.
  • "For the average human, nothing scares them more than legal issues," a source close to Trump said to Axios."He. Does. Not. Care. His whole adult life has been spent in litigation. He's not afraid of high-stakes legal stuff. … He’s just going to start swinging and... Читать дальше...

THE FED MEETS: Here are the key passages to watch for in Wednesday's statement


  • The Federal Reserve set to leave interest rates on hold at its April meeting; the key is whether they nod to recent economic weakening or stick to a positive message. 
  • The Fed has described job gains as "strong" in recent months but a softer trend is definitely perceptible in the data. 
  • Wall Street will be looking for any nod to firmer inflation for potential hints of more rapid rate rises.

The Federal Reserve isn’t expected to take action on interest rates at its policy meeting Wednesday ... Читать дальше...

Hongkongs Finanzbehörde räumt mit einem Irrglauben über Kryptowährungen auf


Eine der am häufigsten geäußerte Kritik an Kryptowährungen könnte nun ausgerechnet von der Finanzbehörde von Hongkong entkräftet worden sein. Immer wieder bringen Ökonomen, Politiker und Kritiker Bitcoin mit Straftaten und Terrorismusfinanzierung in Verbindung. In einem aktuellen Bericht aus Hongkong zu Terrorismusfinanzierung und Geldwäsche wird die Gefahr von Bitcoin und Co. jedoch als niedrig eingestuft. Seit 2013 sei Bitcoin bei der Polizei Hongkongs lediglich 167 Mal in Berichten erwähnt worden. Читать дальше...

Музыкальные новости

Руководители подразделений электромашинного дивизиона Желдорреммаш прошли обучение в рамках развития производственной системы TOS

Персональные новости

Руководители подразделений электромашинного дивизиона Желдорреммаш прошли обучение в рамках развития производственной системы TOS

„Begeistert ist untertrieben“: Mann findet riesigen Knochen am Strand, der ein 170 Jahre altes Rätsel löst


Als der Fossiliensammler Paul De la Salle vor knapp zwei Jahren an einem Strand in Großbritannien Knochenreste findet, kann er sich wohl kaum vorstellen, dass er damit ein Jahrhunderte altes Rätsel löst. Der Fund bestätigt: Was Forscher bis jetzt für die Überreste von Dinosauriern gehalten haben, sind in Wirklichkeit Knochenteile von Ichthyosauriern. Das sind Reptilien, die zur Zeit der Dinosaurier im Meer lebten.

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This is what it's like to fly on Oman Air, the airline which was just crowned best for business class and economy in the Middle East


Oman Air

Oman Air may not be as well known as some of its Middle Eastern competitors, but it was just crowned the region's leading airline for both business class and economy by the World Travel Awards.

As the Arab country is a destination increasingly on the radar of travellers looking for a unique adventure, we decided to find out what it's like to fly on the airline.

From Arabic coffee served from opulent-looking pots to new private first class suites, the offering looks fairly luxurious ... Читать дальше...

'Snap is a poorly structured company demonstrating a clear pattern of mismanagement' — an analyst thinks Snap's problems run way deeper than the redesign (SNAP)


  • Snap has had a chastening start to the year, missing revenue targets and posting slow growth in daily active users.
  • The finger of blame has been pointed at the Snapchat redesign, but investment bank Piper Jaffray said the problems run deeper and are a result of Snap's structure and culture.
  • Snap is based on a sprawling campus in California, which the company itself has admitted could create problems.
  • CEO Evan Spiegel dictates all product decisions from the top down... Читать дальше...

Xerox's Fujifilm deal is at risk after its CEO steps down amid pressure from Carl Icahn and another activist investor


Brendan McDermid/Reuters

  • Xerox CEO Jeff Jacobson and six other board members are on their way out.
  • They will be replaced by members backed by activist investors Carl Icahn and Darwin Deason.
  • Xerox's joint venture with Fujifilm is at risk.

(Reuters) - Xerox Corp said its CEO and most of its board will step down to settle a suit by activist shareholders Carl Icahn and Darwin Deason, handing over to new management which will reconsider a contentious deal with Fujifilm Holdings. Читать дальше...

Lip readers tried to decode a secretive conversation between Kim Jong Un and South Korea's president


Korea Summit Press Pool

  • North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in stepped aside during their historic meeting in April to have a private chat,
  • Lip readers think they know what they said — including snatches of talk about nuclear weapons, the UN and President Trump.
  • It's worth remembering that lip reading isn't an exact science, and the observers had to deal with distant footage at odd angles. 

North Korean leader Kim Jong... Читать дальше...

I was born in 1985 but I hate the 'millennial' label — here's why


Brendon Thorne/Getty Images for Virgin Mobile

If there's one word I've come to hate, it's "millennial." By definition, I am technically a millennial. But I think the word says more about the people who use it than about those to whom it's meant to refer. I don't strut around announcing "I'm a millennial." No, that's not the way the word works; it's used more like so: "For the love of God, not these Millennials with their work-life balance again!"

This one word perfectly sums up the prejudices of the older generation... Читать дальше...

Спорт в России и мире

Московские школьники завоевали медали на Азиатской физической олимпиаде


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Александр Зверев

Зверев и Рууд не пожали друг другу руки после полуфинала «Ролан Гаррос» – из-за проблем с желудком у норвежца


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