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Новости за 26.02.2016

The 'musk' smell of cologne used to come from a pretty bizarre, unexpected place


Flickr/Marie Hale

When you see "musk" as a noted smell in your cologne, you probably think of lumberjacks chopping wood in Maine.

But you'll never guess where that "manly" smell actually used to come from: an animal you've probably never heard of, according to the Huffington Post.

Musk is a heavy base note scent that is usually compared with woodsy and earthy smells. It was originally the name of the odor coming from a male musk deer, from which it was harvested.

Though... Читать дальше...

A cyberattack on the IRS may have been 7 times larger than the agency initially reported


REUTERS/Mike Segar

A cyberattack targeting the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) may have allowed hackers to access 724,000 taxpayer accounts.

When the IRS first reported the attack in May last year, the agency claimed that criminals had used credentials obtained from "non-IRS sources" to successfully access about 114,000 "Get Transcript" accounts. 

Attempts on an additional 111,000 attempts were unsuccessful.

The attack was believed to have started in February 2015 and continued into May. Читать дальше...

Move over, New York: There's a new world capital of billionaires


David Gray/Reuters

More billionaires are based out of Beijing, China, than anywhere else in the world. 

There are now 100 in Beijing, the AP reports. The Chinese capital displaces New York, which has 95. 

Rounding out the top five are Moscow (66), Hong Kong (64), and Shanghai (50). 

The data comes from Hurun, a Chinese research company that focuses on the world's richest people. 

Hurun founder Rupert Hoogewerf says that the boost in billionaires comes from China's... Читать дальше...

17 unprofessional work habits that make your boss and coworkers hate you



Do your coworkers or boss show signs that they secretly hate you?

If you answered "yes," then sure, it could be that they're generally disagreeable people. Or it could be you.

You may not realize it, but you could be engaging in workplace habits that make you look unprofessional.

While many of these habits violate the basic rules of common decency and respect, sometimes you need a reminder of how to behave at work. And since your office-mates aren't speaking up, we decided to chime in on their behalf. Читать дальше...

You are not Steve Jobs, and your company is not Apple — the sooner you realize that, the better off you'll be


Seth Wenig / Reuters

I often talk to executives about what keeps them up at night. I hear tales of specific struggles, continuous challenges, and perplexing priorities. Time and again, one theme arises:

"How do I develop effective leaders with the skills and capabilities to drive my organization through times of complex change — both now and long after I've left the company?"

Greater than an individual's angst, this problem has begun to pain organizations on a systemic level. Читать дальше...

The 23 best free online business courses starting in March


Flickr / Foxcroft Academy

LinkedIn Influencer John A. Bryne published this post originally on LinkedIn.

Everyone has a “big idea.” Some treat it as a passion, a higher calling to shape a better world. Others regard their idea as a means of escape or a way to make a name.

Either way, that idea is always there, a lodestar that offers hope and purpose as it draws other inspirations into its orbit.

For most, that “big idea” is just idle exercise. People tinker with it, even drafting specs or plans. Читать дальше...

11 investing tips I wish I could tell my younger self


Flickr / Tristan Bowersox

Sometimes I look back on my past as a young investor and want to kick myself. I didn't really know what I was doing back then, and made a number of mistakes that cost me money in the long run.

I did learn a lot and truly enjoy investing and saving now. But I wish I could go back in time and offer my younger self a few bits of advice. Here's my list of investing tips to the "young me" that'll hopefully spare you the same mistakes.

Flickr / Raúl Hernández González

1. Читать дальше...

The reason rich people eat healthier may go all the way back to childhood


Flickr / Offutt Air Force Base

Broccoli is nutritious, and it knows it.

Since humans and other plant-eating animals have reason to consume a lot of broccoli, it has come to produce goitrin, a compound that tastes very bitter to people with a certain gene—which serves as a (meager) defense against getting eaten.

Other vegetables that come from the very same plant, including kale, brussels sprouts, and collard greens, all employ a similar protective strategy.

But, as the podcast Surprisingly Awesome recently noted... Читать дальше...

Archaeologists have discovered the oldest Muslim graves found in Europe


Gleize et al.

Archaeologists believe they have discovered the first evidence of Muslim communities in the south of France, as skeleton remains from the seventh century show similar characteristic to Islamic burial practices.

The three skeletons were found to be facing Mecca, have paternal lineage to North Africa, and have been dated to the same period that it is believed Muslim presence was first identified in the region.

Research published in PLOS ONE, focuses on a medieval burial site in Nimes... Читать дальше...

We'll finally find out how C-3PO got his red arm next month



We'll finally find out the mystery of how C-3PO wound up with a red arm in "Star Wars: The Force Awakens."

Following the announcement of a Poe Dameron spin-off comic, Marvel announced that the beloved droid, C-3PO, will take center stage in a comic to be released in March. First announced in September, Disney and Marvel debuted a first look at the first few pages of C-3PO's story late on Thursday.

"Star Wars Special: C-3PO No. 1" will follow the fan-favorite... Читать дальше...

The new FIFA president won his first election when he was 18 thanks to an amazing campaign promise


Richard Heathcote/Getty

Gianni Infantino won the FIFA presidential election in an upset on Friday, edging out Bahrain's Sheikh Salman in the second round of voting.

A 45-year-old Swiss-Italian lawyer, Infantino had previously served as UEFA's General Secretary and almost did not enter the special presidential race to replace Sepp Blatter. It was only after UEFA President Michel Platini was suspended from FIFA for eight years as a result of corruption that Infantino decided to throw his hat into the ring... Читать дальше...

Trump slams America's schools in a rally: 'Some countries you’ve never even heard of are ahead of the USA'


Thomson Reuters

Donald Trump took a hit at what he described as America's failing education system in a rally on Friday.

"Common Core is out! It's out," he proclaimed, in a riff on the state of American education that was followed by loud applause.

"You have Norway, Sweden, Denmark, China, you have lots of places. You have some countries you’ve never even heard of are ahead of the USA," he said, before vowing to improve American education.

Since it was adopted in 2010... Читать дальше...

These stock photos are trying to change the way people view pot smokers


Sonya Yruel/Drug Policy Alliance

The marijuana industry has a bone to pick with the media, and it involves beanies, tie-dye tees, and Sean Penn's iconic character, Jeff Spicoli.

In an interview with Tech Insider, Sharda Sekaran, managing director of communications at the Drug Policy Alliance, said she's tired of clicking links to articles about the cannabis industry and seeing photos of stereotypical stoners splashed across the page.

"There's still a major bias on who the marijuana user might be," Sekaran says. Читать дальше...

The ultimate guide to visiting Amsterdam


Jason Raia/Getty

The capital of the Netherlands and one of the main culture hubs in Europe is also one of the most popular and visited cities on the old continent, attracting over 4.5 million international visitors annually.

Heritage, art, architecture, stunning canals, over 140 festivals and events, a center of bicycle culture – these are just a few things that make Amsterdam a must-visit location.

This vibrant city offers an impressive array of things to do and places to see... Читать дальше...

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Meet the Canadian Army’s new ‘live’ mascot


Canadian Army via Twitter

A five month old, 20 some odd pound polar bear cub took the name of Juno, and was named as the new living mascot of the Canadian Army on Thursday, according to CBC News.

The bear, born on November 11, 2015, or Remembrance Day, Canada's version of Memorial day, was named Juno after the hundreds of Canadian soldiers who were killed or wounded during the 1944 allied storming of Juno beach on D-Day.

"We are proud and happy to adopt Juno to the army today... Читать дальше...

Here's how many new scenes 'The Force Awakens' DVD will have



Since the release of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens," there have been questions. There have been questions about who certain characters really are or which characters may be connected. One of the other questions that fans have had is, how much more is there? As with all movies, there were scenes that were shot that never made it into the final cut of the film. Now we have an exact number of additional scenes that will be included on the Blu-Ray release. The magic number is seven.

... Читать дальше...

A Naval engineer with access to US secrets indicted over Iranian passports and false identities


US Navy

James Robert Baker, a naturalized US citizen from Tehran, Iran, who worked as a civilian engineer for the US Navy for 30 years has been indicted on charges of lying about his dual Iranian citizenship and creating false identities to conceal money he received from overseas, but experts say he won't face more than 5 years in prison, according to the Navy Times.

Baker, who was born Majid Karimi, naturalized and changed his name in 1985 and began working at the Naval Surface Warfare Center before moving to NAVSEA in 2006. Читать дальше...

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