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Новости за 26.10.2015

Frank Marshall Says Indiana Jones Will Never Be Recast Like James Bond


The future of the "Indiana Jones" franchise has been open to much speculation and rumor over the past little while. Chris Pratt and Robert Pattinson rumored as new leads for a possible reboot, but that chatter was never really based in reality (both actors denied anyone from Disney or Lucasfilm actually talked to them about the gig). But the buzz arose anew recently when Steven Spielberg said he'd be making a fifth installment with Harrison Ford returning in the title role. And according to producer Frank Marshall... Читать дальше...

Herrezen Yfke Sturm maakt glorieuze comeback op catwalk


Topmodel Yfke Sturm (33), die deze zomer ternauwernood een ongeluk overleefde in het Italiaanse Napels, maakte maandagavond een glorieuze comeback op de catwalk. Tijdens de finale van het RTL5-programma Holland's Next Top Model was ze samen met de deelneemsters en oud-HNTM-presentatrice Daphne Deckers op het podium te bewonderen. ,,Het gaat heel goed.''

Scientists’ warning: Extinction of big land animals forever alters environment

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Extinctions of large animals — a fate that could soon befall elephants and rhinoceros — have a cascade effect on local ecosystems, including Northern California, where many smaller animals and plants died off after mammoths were wiped out, a team of scientists has discovered. The size of elephants, wildebeest and other big plant-eaters not only makes them impressive and fascinating, but vital to the many species, including flora and fauna, that live with and depend on them, according to a joint report by UC Berkeley... Читать дальше...

Gorillas in Rwanda


Conservation tourism is a lifeline for the critically endangered mountain gorillas in Rwanda's Volcanoes National Park

Easy-Bake Ovens, Chow Chows & Unicorns: Asian Fashion Weeks Are the Weirdest

Yahoo Style 

If you’re one of those fashion people that thinks Paris is the final stop on the Fashion Month train, you’ve been missing out on some of the best shows and street style around. Just a quick hop, skip, and overnight flight away, the fashion weeks across Asia — specifically in Shanghai, China, Tokyo, Japan, and Seoul, South Korea — are serving up some of the weirdest sartorial offerings to ever hit runways.  They’re a breath of fresh air (in the fashion sense, at least — smog’s still a problem over there... Читать дальше...

What Is Rideau Cottage? Justin Trudeau To Live In Canada's 'New' White House

International Business Times 

Canada’s Prime Minister-designate Justin Trudeau will not be moving into Canada’s equivalent of the White House, Canadian press reported Monday. The prime minister’s official residence, 24 Sussex Drive in Ottawa, is in need of millions of dollars' worth of repairs, forcing Trudeau to move into Rideau Cottage instead.

GOP-led Congress moves to block Obama's Clean Power Plan

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

WASHINGTON (AP) — Congressional Republicans are moving to block President Barack Obama's plan to force steep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions from U.S. power plants. New Hampshire is already well on its way to meet the plans' goals, Ayotte said, adding that she would monitor the plan to ensure it does not have an adverse impact on state energy costs. The congressional resolutions follow court challenges filed Friday by industry groups and states dependent on fossil fuels. The Obama administration... Читать дальше...

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Александр Градский

В Москве семью композитора Градского обязали убрать его машины с парковки концертного зала

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LeBron: 'I'm ready to go' for opener

«Gazette Times» (gazettetimes.com) 

INDEPENDENCE, Ohio (AP) — His lower back feeling better, his body refreshed, LeBron James declared himself ready for his 13th NBA season.

LeBron: 'I'm ready to go' for opener

«TDN» (tdn.com) 

INDEPENDENCE, Ohio (AP) — His lower back feeling better, his body refreshed, LeBron James declared himself ready for his 13th NBA season.

LeBron: 'I'm ready to go' for opener

«La Crosse Tribune» (lacrossetribune.com) 

INDEPENDENCE, Ohio (AP) — His lower back feeling better, his body refreshed, LeBron James declared himself ready for his 13th NBA season.

LeBron: 'I'm ready to go' for opener

«The Bismarck Tribune» (bismarcktribune.com) 

INDEPENDENCE, Ohio (AP) — His lower back feeling better, his body refreshed, LeBron James declared himself ready for his 13th NBA season.

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«Папа сегодня в Кемерово, и здесь кайф»: как Баста собрал стадион кузбассовцев


Пятерых человек арестовали за грубые нарушения ПДД на Малой Бронной в Москве

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