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Новости за 15.10.2015

Obama’s Dangerous “No War, No Peace” Strategy in Syria

The National Interest 

Dimitri K. Simes, Paul J. Saunders

Security, Middle East

"U.S. leaders should respond to Moscow with a combination of strength and pragmatism rather than weakness and inflexibility."

President Obama is about to add another dismal chapter to his foreign policy record. He may believe that his administration's “no war, no peace” response to Russia’s intervention in Syria will avoid subjecting the United States—or him—to the potential costs of making a choice between two unattractive alternatives. Читать дальше...

U.S. budget deficit hits fresh Obama-era low


The U.S. budget deficit narrowed to $439 billion in fiscal 2015, the Treasury Department said Thursday. The deficit is the smallest of Barack Obama's presidency and the lowest since 2007 in both dollar terms and as a percentage of gross domestic product. The deficit fell to 2.5% of GDP. Revenues for the year were $3.2 trillion, an increase of 8% over the prior year. The government spent $3.7 trillion in fiscal 2015, up 5%. The government's budget year runs from October through September.

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PTC Therapeutics shares fall after MD drug study result


PTC Theraputics Inc. shares fell in the extended session Thursday after the biotech said a muscular dystrophy treatment did not reach its primary endpoint in a late-stage clinical study. PTC shares dropped 17% to $26.49 on heavy volume. The company said a Phase 3 study of its treatment Translarna did not reach its primary endpoint of improving walking test scores in certain MD patients on a statistically significant basis.

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Belichick, Brady downplay rivalry with Colts


If Patriots coach Bill Belichick and quarterback Tom Brady feel extra motivation to beat the Colts because Deflategate started with a complaint from the Colts in the AFC Championship Game, they’re not letting on. Belichick was asked this week about chatter from outside the Patriots’ facility that Sunday’s matchup with the Colts is a particularly…

Book explains why Halloween attractions make us "Scream"

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

The book documents Kerr's adventures around the world experiencing extreme attractions, ranging from the tallest roller coasters in Japan to the CN Tower's EdgeWalk in Toronto, where participants are tethered to the skyscraper for an outdoor walk 116 stories off the ground. Kerr also works at a haunted attraction in Pittsburgh called ScareHouse, analyzing customer responses to help keep the fright levels just right. [...] there's another side to fear that's fun and fulfilling, and that's the sweet spot sought by recreational activities ... Читать дальше...

Southwest monsoon withdraws over Goa, Konkan

«The Times of India» (indiatimes.com) 

The southwest monsoon has withdrawn from Goa and Konkan region on Thursday, but meteorological centre in the city expects random showers till December.

Mourinho: I do not regret Chelsea return


The under-pressure Portuguese head coach has stressed that he does not rue the move to come back to west London and is confident he will win more league titles in the future

63 police officers fired over corruption in Kenya reforms

«TDN» (tdn.com) 

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — Sixty-three senior police officers, including a police spokesman, have been fired for "corruption and integrity issues," an official of the Kenyan National Police Service…

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«Динамо» подложило под «Зенит» бомбу! «Краснодар» может возглавить РПЛ за четыре тура до конца

Figures on government spending and debt

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

WASHINGTON (AP) — Figures on government spending and debt (last six digits are eliminated). The government's fiscal year runs Oct. 1 through Sept. 30. Total public debt subject to limit Oct 1418,112,975Statutory debt limit18,113,000Total public debt outstanding Oct 1418,150,470Operating balance Oct 1457,540Interest fiscal year 2015 thru Aug234,680Interest same period pvs fiscal year239,753Deficit fiscal year 2015 thru Aug529,960Deficit same period pvs fiscal year589,162Receipts fiscal year 2015 thru... Читать дальше...

‘Crimson Peak’ perfect if you enjoy repulsive and boring

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

[...] the arrival of “Crimson Peak” is good news. There are lots of excellent movies in theaters right now and more on the way, so it helps simplify matters to have a movie out there you can feel really great about missing. [...] do it tonight: Take off your shoes, sit back in a cushy chair and concentrate on the fact that, at that very moment, other people are watching “Crimson Peak,” and you’re not. Director Guillermo del Toro has a penchant for the physically repulsive — he’s like David Cronenberg... Читать дальше...

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ЭСК указала на ошибки главного арбитра дерби ЦСКА — «Спартак» Казарцева


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Институт СТЭИ при поддержке Комитета общественных связей и молодежной политики города Москвы реализует проект "Вода Москвы"

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Дугин в интервью Такеру Карлсону: "Путин — это традиционный лидер"

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил о желании построить в Белоруссии вторую АЭС

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Елена Маркелова

Инклюзивный Фестиваль гимнастики с участием детей с ограниченными возможностями здоровья прошел в Самаре


Полиция задержала пятерых мужчин, танцевавших у машин на дороге в Москве

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