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SAS Who Dares Wins star ‘Billy’ Billingham breaks silence on Ant Middleton exit and says he’s not ‘bigger than the show’


SAS: Who Dares Wins star Billy Billingham broke his silence on Ant Middleton’s exit – and said he’s not “bigger than the show”. The former military man – real name Mark – appeared on Friday’s Good Morning Britain to talk about the Australian version of the show. Ant was sacked by Channel 4 for his […]

SAS: Who Dares Wins star Billy Billingham broke his silence on Ant Middleton’s exit – and said he’s not “bigger than the show”.

The former military man – real name Mark – appeared on Friday’s Good Morning Britain to talk about the Australian version of the show.

Mark ‘Billy’ Billingham spoke about Ant Middleton leaving SAS Who Dares Wins

Ant was sacked by Channel 4 for his inappropriate behaviour, where four female crew came forward and claimed he made “lewd and suggestive comments”.

Speaking to Kate Garraway and Alex Beresford, Billy said: “Yeah he’s going to stay a part of it in Australia. And you know, the team works great together.

“Sad to see him but the show’s bigger than all of us. And the new guy coming in, which I won’t give his name away because they haven’t released it yet, I’ve worked with him over many, many years.

“One in, one out, that’s the way it is. We’ll miss Ant and we’re still working together out here and it’s going really well.”

Billy spoke to Alex Beresford and Kate Garraway
Channel 4
Ant Middleton was sacked from SAS: Who Dares Wins[/caption]

The Australian version of the show also stars Jason Fox and Matthew Ollerton.

Ant was accused of making “lewd and suggestive comments” to four female crew members on the show.

He also posted a “tough-love” video message last March urging his followers to carry on as normal despite coronavirus.

As the world rapidly went into lockdown, he faced a backlash and posted an apology. There was more social media backlash in June after he posted a video of violence at anti-racism protests in London.

He is currently in Australia with Billy, Matthew Ollerton and Jason Fox[/caption]

He tweeted: “The extreme left against the extreme right. BLM and EDL are not welcome on our streets, absolute scum. What a great example you are to your future generation. Bravo.”

A Channel 4 spokesperson said at the time of his sacking: “Ant Middleton will not be taking part in future series of SAS: Who Dares Wins.

“Following a number of discussions Channel 4 and Minnow Films have had with him in relation to his personal conduct it has become clear that our views and values are not aligned and we will not be working with him again.”

The Sun revealed the search for Ant’s replacement went international – with bosses considering recruiting a brutal US Navy Seal.

He was accused of making lewd comments to four crew members[/caption]

The Sun understands producers have struggled to find anyone with the same “star quality” and charisma of Ant, and are widening their scope to add an international flavour to the show and “ruffle some feathers”.

The Selection USA is the same format as SAS and has been described as even more brutal than its British counterpart.

Heading up the team is ex-Navy Seal Marcus Capone, a 6ft 4in giant and in the US special forces for 13 years until 2013.

Producers are keen on a Seal as it’s the direct equivalent of Ant, who was in the Special Boat Service.


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