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Новости за 24.05.2021

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says she’s ‘in therapy’ after the Capitol riot and blames Trump for ‘all-out attempted coup’


ALEXANDRIA Ocasio-Cortez says she has been in therapy since the Capitol Riot in January and blames former President Donald Trump for the “attempted coup.” Speaking to the Latino USA podcast on Friday, the New York representative said she is “doing therapy” and that some of her colleagues in the House are afraid to speak about […]

Aaron Rodgers Rumors: Packers QB Asked Opposing Players If They Wanted to Team Up - Bleacher Report

Top Stories (us) - Google News (ru) 

  1. Aaron Rodgers Rumors: Packers QB Asked Opposing Players If They Wanted to Team Up  Bleacher Report
  2. Source -- QB Aaron Rodgers not at Green Bay Packers OTAs  ESPN
  3. Aaron Rodgers skips Packers-organized team activities: report  Fox News
  4. REPORT: Aaron Rodgers didn't attend first organized team activity  WKOW
  5. Ian Rapoport: All Quiet on the Aaron Rodgers Front Could Mean a Truce Is Near | The Rich Eisen Show  The Rich Eisen Show
  6. View Full Coverage on Google... Читать дальше...

Man charged after mass shooting at N.J. party was clutching handgun, complaint says - NJ.com

Top Stories (us) - Google News (ru) 

  1. Man charged after mass shooting at N.J. party was clutching handgun, complaint says  NJ.com
  2. Manhunt underway for gunman in deadly NJ mass shooting: 'There was carnage everywhere'  6abc Philadelphia
  3. Suspect arrested after deadly shooting at NJ birthday party  Yahoo News
  4. If N.J. mass shooting wasn’t ‘random,’ what was it?  NJ.com
  5. Kevin Dawkins Arrested In Mass Shooting That Left 2 Dead, 12 Injured At House Party In Cumberland Co  CBS Philly
  6. View Full... Читать дальше...

Carrie Symonds, 2; Boris Johnson’s very bitter ex Dominic Cummings, nul points


AS Britain gathered around the TV to watch a Norwegian man prance around on stage dressed as a giant, sequinned dove, an Italian heavy metal band snort broken glass and Britain’s James Newman do not much, Dominic Cummings was furiously pumping out a 55-strong Twitter thread. In fact, I’m not entirely sure he’s not still […]

They Wanted to Keep Working. ExxonMobil Locked Them Out. - Facing deunionization efforts and the existential threat of climate change, oil refiners in Beaumont, Texas, seek a fair contract.

In These Times 

The lockout began May 1, known in most parts of the world as International Workers' Day. In a matter of hours, the ExxonMobil Corporation escorted 650 oil refiners in Beaumont, Texas, off the job, replacing experienced members of United Steelworkers (USW) Local 13-243 with temporary workers in an effort to force a vote on Exxon's latest contract proposal. USW maintains the proposal violates basic principles of seniority, and more than three weeks after the union members were marched out of their facility, they remain locked out. Читать дальше...

Музыкальные новости
Анастасия Волочкова

Балерина Волочкова часто летала на Мальдивы из-за возможности поплавать без трусов

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Сергей Трофимов выступит с летним концертом в Зеленом Театре ВДНХ

Raiders sign Patrick Omameh


The Raiders added another offensive lineman to the roster as they head into Phase Three of their offseason workouts. They announced the signing of guard Patrick Omameh on Monday. It’s a second tour with Las Vegas for Omameh as he spent time with the team last year as well. Omameh signed to their practice squad [more]

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