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Новости за 21.05.2021


Express & Star 

The 50-year-old would become the oldest winner in major history if he seals victory at Kiawah Island.

Cease-Fire Prompts Israelis' Disappointment

The New York Times 

The shared dissatisfaction throughout the country signaled Israelis’ growing impatience for what they see as hastily arranged, unconditional cease-fires.

Falcons and All Stars Wider squad announced - AFLNZ

BigNewsNetwork.com (sports) 

The NZ Falcons and NZ All Stars wider squad has been announced ahead of their game at North Harbour Stadium in September this year. In a first for AFL New Zealand, the game will be an addition to the

Malik Turner signs ERFA tender


Receiver Malik Taylor has signed his exclusive rights free agent tender with the Packers. Taylor entered the league as an undrafted free agent out of Ferris State in 2019, originally signing with the Buccaneers. After Tampa Bay waived him, he signed with the Packers in July of that year and spent his first season on [more]

Sydney Sutherland murder: Prosecutor ‘absolutely’ pushing for death penalty of truck driver who ‘raped & killed’ jogger


THE prosecutor defending Sydney Sutherland will “absolutely” push for the death penalty against the truck driver who “raped and killed” her. Prosecutor Ryan Cooper did not waive the death penalty in the case against Quake Lewellyn in the death of Sutherland. Local news outlets confirmed on Friday that Cooper will be pursuing the death penalty. […]

Palestinian protesters clash with Israeli police hours after cease-fire begins


The fragile cease-fire between Israel and Hamas was tested on Friday morning when Palestinian protesters clashed with Israeli police outside a mosque in Jerusalem. CBS News foreign correspondent Holly Williams reports from the region, and former Jerusalem bureau chief for The New York Times, David Halbfinger, joins CBSN to discuss the latest on the situation.

Pension warning: Retirees may face 'unexpected tax bills' through new law - what to do


TAX RECOMMENDATIONS were made today as the Office of Tax Simplification produced their second report on the Capital Gains Tax system, as requested by Rishi Sunak. The impact of divorce and separation was examined and while the proposals have been welcomed, warnings have emerged that oncoming legislation may impact pension holdings.


Shot Talk.com 

So I'm hitting my TM Sim Max outstanding and what do I do? Yup, bought one of these. In any case here is the review. I got it with the same Project X Evenflow Riptide 50 5.5 flex shaft as the
Sim because that shaft is just perfect for me.

Great driver!

Just as long as the Sim Max
Just as forgiving as the Sim Max.

I've got two drivers that I hit better then anything I've ever hit before. End of review...

Read more

How Emma Stone transformed into Disney villain Cruella

New York Post 

The actress unveils the villain’s humble beginnings while sporting a slew of stunning looks, including a graphic “The Future” makeup moment inspired by the Sex Pistols’ 1977 album Never Mind The Bollocks.

Музыкальные новости

Поклонник Басты сделал предложение девушке на концерте рэпера в Новосибирске

Персональные новости

«Поборол это гнусное чувство». Актер Галкин — о своей маленькой дочке, зависти и настоящей любви

Here's How Iran Could Beat and Sink the U.S. Navy in a War

The National Interest 

David Axe

Iran, Middle East

The trick is Iran's underwater mines and America's inability to sweep them up.

Here's What You Need To Know: The Navy for years has diverted minesweeping funding into the development of multi-mission Littoral Combat Ships. The LCS were supposed to replace the Avengers, but the new ships have proved expensive, unreliable, and unsuitable for many of the missions the Navy hoped they would handle.

In the event of war with Iran, the U.S. Navy’s small... Читать дальше...

Спорт в России и мире

Спортсменка из Бутово выиграла «золото» на турнирах по художественной гимнастике


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Как Рыбакиной стать второй ракеткой мира: расклад от WTA


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Экология в России и мире

Концентрация песка в городском воздухе возвращается к обычным значениям

Путин в России и мире

Поведение Путина вызвало резонанс, потерянные в 90–е заводы возвращаются РФ

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Продюсера Reuters арестовали за публикацию материалов на YouTube-канале «НавальныйLIVE»

Здоровье в России и мире

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В Воткинске 7 мая отметят День рождения Петра Чайковского


В Большом театре наградили победителей специальной премии «Золотой Маски»

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