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Call for Nominations: SLNC Board of Directors


  We are looking for enthusiastic people who want to help Sovereign Lake Nordic Club continue to offer the finest Nordic skiing anywhere (in our humble opinion). Six positions are coming due this year, so if you have what it takes to be a great Board member, be sure to put your name forward! The main […]

The post Call for Nominations: SLNC Board of Directors appeared first on Sovereign Lake Nordic Centre.


We are looking for enthusiastic people who want to help Sovereign Lake Nordic Club continue to offer the finest Nordic skiing anywhere (in our humble opinion). Six positions are coming due this year, so if you have what it takes to be a great Board member, be sure to put your name forward!

The main requirement to be a Board member is a commitment to Sovereign Lake, an ability to spend 8-12 hours per month on Board activities including a once-per-month Board meeting, and the willingness to commit to a 2-year term on the Board.

In alignment with the club’s bylaws, nominations close at 11:59 PM on Sunday, October 6th (10 days before the AGM on October 16th).  Nominations will not be accepted after the stated deadline.

To put your name forward, please complete a brief bio (items to include are listed below) and email it to the Chair of the SLNC Election Committee – Kim Taylor.  Bios will be posted on the SLNC website at least 5 days prior to the AGM.

Complete details concerning the nomination process, information about the Board and the election process are found below in this message.  If you have any questions or need further information, please contact any one of us at the emails below.


Your 2019 SLNC Election Committee
Kim Taylor (Chair) – taylortwenty@outlook.com
Doug Geller – gellerdoug@gmail.com
Randy Savoie – randy_savoie@yahoo.com


Nomination Deadline:  11:59 PM on Sunday, October 6.
Nominations will not be accepted after this time.


AGM and Election Date:  Wednesday, October 16, 2019.

The AGM is scheduled for 7:00 pm at the Schubert Centre.  Coffee, cookies, information tables, and socializing will be available beforehand at 6:00 PM.


Who Can Vote and Run:

Current SLNC Annual Members in good standing. A member in good standing is defined as anyone who had a valid Season Pass during the 2018-19 season over the age of 18, or a new member who purchase their 2019-2020 membership at least 30 days prior the 2019 AGM. Must be at least 18 years of age by December 31, 2019.)


Duties, Responsibilities, and Time Commitment:


Required Nomination Bio Information: 

  1. Why are you interested in running for the Board?
  2. What would make you a valuable member of the Board?
  3. Is there anything else you would like to share with the SLNC membership in considering you for a Board position?
  4. A photo in jpeg format.


The number of Board openings in this election:  Six (6).

Terms are expiring for Sandra Ecclestone, Sylvia Herchen, Guy Morazain, Mark Nichiporuk, and Greg Sadesky, plus there was one vacant position carried from last year.  These directors are eligible to run again if they wish.

Board Members continuing for the second year of their 2-year terms:  Lynn Algra, Pat Pearce, Brent Ree, and Brian Wills.


Length of Board Terms:  2 years.

Election process:

If more than 6 nominations are received, there will be an election by ballot at the AGM that is conducted by the Elections Committee.  Candidates will present themselves briefly during the AGM. If a candidate cannot be present, his/her bio will be read aloud by one of the Elections Committee members. If 6 or fewer nominations are received, the Board will be appointed by acclamation.  Acclaimed Board members will still be invited to briefly introduce themselves.  If an acclaimed Board member cannot be present, his/her bio will be read aloud by a member of the Elections Committee.  More information can be found regarding the election process in the SLNC By-Laws Section 4.7 http://www.sovereignlake.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/SLNC-Bylaws-Jan-2017.pdf


Additional Information on Club Governance: 

Scroll to the bottom of the SLNC website and see the headings under “Club”. You can link to information about the current Board, Board meeting minutes, procedures, terms of reference, strategic plan, and other related topics.

The post Call for Nominations: SLNC Board of Directors appeared first on Sovereign Lake Nordic Centre.


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