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Новости за 06.09.2019

Michigan funeral service held for deported Iraqi national


SOUTHFIELD, Mich. — A private funeral service has been held in suburban Detroit for a 41-year-old Iraqi man who died in Baghdad after being deported from the U.S. for committing crimes. The Detroit News reports that Jimmy Aldaoud was buried Friday at the gravesite of his parents at Holy Sepulchre Catholic Cemetery in Southfield. Aldaoud

Amend Constitution for Mount Van Hoevenberg , Sports, Jobs

BigNewsNetwork.com (sports) 

Amend Constitution for Mount Van Hoevenberg - News, Sports, Jobs The Adirondack Daily Enterprise In the Daily Enterprise editorial State lets itself bypass 'forever wild' on Aug. 30, the pape

How major US stock indexes fared Friday


Major U.S. stock indexes finished unevenly Friday, but the S&P 500 index still notched its second straight weekly gain. The market shook off an early stumble thanks largely to gains in health care stocks and makers of consumer products after traders sized up new data showing that U.S. employers added fewer than expected jobs in

What’s Going on With These Mysterious Vaping-Related Illnesses? - Slate

Top Stories (us) - Google News (ru) 

  1. What’s Going on With These Mysterious Vaping-Related Illnesses?  Slate
  2. Fourth death reported from lung illness possibly linked to vaping  CBS News
  3. Cases of Vaping-Related Lung Illness Surge, Health Officials Say  The New York Times
  4. Editorial: America’s outbreak of vaping illness and its most vulnerable victims — teens  Chicago Tribune
  5. Death toll rises from mysterious lung illnesses linked to vaping, prompting CDC to sound alarm on e-cigarettes  CNBC
  6. View... Читать дальше...

Texas Lt. Gov. says he's going to defy NRA and work to close background check loopholes - Washington Examiner


  1. Texas Lt. Gov. says he's going to defy NRA and work to close background check loopholes  Washington Examiner
  2. Texas Lt. Gov: 'Stranger-to-stranger' gun sales should require background check | TheHill  The Hill
  3. Texas lieutenant governor bucks NRA to support some background checks in private gun sales  CNN
  4. NRA slaps down Texas GOP ally who proposes gun control idea  Washington Post
  5. With gun massacres, home is where the horror is  The Boston Globe
  6. View... Читать дальше...

Week One NFL Sports Betting: Picks Against The Spread


Week One NFL Sports Betting: Picks Against The Spread With the fantasy football draft season winding down and the first official game under the books, it is time to turn our attention to something almost better: sports betting and gambling. Wagering on games and player props every weekend is a huge part of what we ...

China’s Challenge to American Power?

Global Research 

By the year 1918, Great Britain’s once far-reaching empire was crumbling, with the rate of British decline increased by her hugely expensive and unnecessary involvement in World War I. The United States, meanwhile, was taking over Britain’s mantle as the …

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Reaching a deal in national opioids case proving difficult


OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma made headlines earlier this year when it reached a landmark deal with Oklahoma over the toll the opioids crisis has taken on that state. Attempts to get a national settlement resolving all claims against the company are proving more difficult. Sources familiar with negotiations between Purdue, multiple state attorneys general and

Hull KR • London

Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Deserved win for London, but quack me, what a terribly stupid performance from us.
Just play the flipping game out.
Ages ago I said I'd like London to stay up because of their endeavour and Wardy, but i knew it would be at our expense.
At sixteen fourteen we clearly didn't have enough points on the board and then when we didn't score we decided to give away penalties and possession.
Where have the senior players been?

Statistics: Posted by Sandro II Terrorista — Fri Sep 06... Читать дальше...

Спорт в России и мире

Команда подмосковного главка Росгвардии заняла призовое место на чемпионате Центрального округа по стрельбе из боевого ручного стрелкового оружия


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Арина Соболенко

Соболенко: я предпочитаю смотреть мужской теннис, а не женский


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Путин поручил сократить время пути поездов от Москвы до Черного моря до 16 часов

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Минск не исключает попыток оппозиции оторвать часть территории Белоруссии в пользу НАТО

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ДЭГ местного значения // Суд оставил в силе итоги электронного голосования на выборах президента


Стало известно число столкнувшихся с укусом клеща россиян

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