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Новости за 02.09.2019

Jordan shoots for PGT Asia milestone


Damien Jordan returns in pursuit of a second Philippine Golf Tour Asia championship, seeking to become only the second player to score back-to-back victories in the ninth Aboitiz Invitational firing off Wednesday at Wack Wack’s East Course in Mandaluyong City. Jordan set some sort of a record by becoming the first foreign player to rule […]

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Oklahoma City zoo animals’ paintings to benefit wildlife conservation


OKLAHOMA CITY – Animals at the Oklahoma City Zoo were showing off their creative side as part of ‘Art Gone Wild.’ A variety of species participated in the program including rhinos, snakes and some of the birds at the zoo. All of the art is created with safe non-toxic Tempera paint, and all of the painting sessions were done voluntarily by the animals. “Most of them are pretty enthusiastic about it, but it can vary, you know. One of our […]

Cake Week is no cake walk on The Great British Baking Show


Have we ever needed a food-based competition show the way we need The Great British Baking Show? To spend an hour a week remembering that patches of civility can still exist in a world that is metaphorically and, as I type this, literally on fire? An almost mythical land where woodland creatures frolic to the music of…

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Kim sweeps 2 rounds, leads list of Petron karting winners


Jarred Kim swept two rounds in the third leg of the 2019 Petron Blaze 100 ROK GP Super Karting Series at Clark International Speedway’s kart track in Pampanga recently. Kim topped three of the four qualifying races and seized Round 5 over Wayne Norman Darvin and Round 6 over Bianca Bustamante. Kim shared the limelight […]

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Wife says Hart ‘going to be fine’ after car crash


NEW YORK — Comic actor Kevin Hart’s wife says he’s “going to be just fine” following a weekend car crash that left him with a major back injury. Eniko Hart was questioned by a TMZ reporter while visiting him at the hospital Monday. She gave no details beyond that assurance, and the actor’s press representatives

How Watch The Protector Online in Australia


The hit show from Turkey “The Protector” is on US Netflix. This guide shows how to watch The Protector online in Australia, for full episodes without restrictions.

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Stump jumper Sort Designed Tim Neenan

Bike Forums 

Hi, I recently acquired a Specialized Stumpjumper Sport that still has a "Designed by Tim Neenan" decal in place and am wondering if anyone can enlighten me on what I have here. I don't have enough seniority on the page to post pictures yet, but the bike is in decent condition. Rides nicely, and...

How EU Families In Britain Are Coping With Brexit Uncertainty

Paper Blog 

A British passport on a British flag (image via Shutterstock)
Mirela left Croatia in 1991 because of the civil war in Yugoslavia. Her husband Frank grew up in the Republic of Ireland. Both are worried Brexit has left a deep scar through British society, one that it will take years to heal. They also worry about the impact of Brexit on their mixed-nationality families and how to mitigate it.
“It is a smart option to get as many passports ...

Carter and Kawahata Win at Stockton 99 Speedway

TJ Slideways.com 

Stockton 99 Speedway Stockton, CA Saturday August 31, 2019 Gunslinger Sprint Cars Feature: 1. 2-Austin Carter 2. 45-Justin Kawahata 3. 46-Justin Segura 4. 88-Mark Pyle 5. 4-Allen Beck 6. 77-AJ Russell NCMA Feature: 1. 45-Justin [...]

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