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Новости за 11.07.2019

Trump Assembles His Gang of Social-Media Deplorables

The New Republic 

Donald Trump’s war against the media reached perhaps its weirdest point on Thursday afternoon when the president hosted a “social media summit” that excluded Facebook and Twitter, but included a number of right-wing conspiracy-mongers, provocateurs, and grifters. Defending the summit earlier in the day, he argued that he would be showcasing the future of media—and burying its past.

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Trade Targets: Backstops

Red Reporter 

Let’s get ignorant!

Like yer Fugeeboy Wickliffe Jean said earlier, the Reds need to be kicking a few bucks into the pot before the end of the month. They can’t afford to check down. Peer pressure is a bitch.

The catch, of course, (foreshadowing pun!) is that the Reds are at least decent at just about every position on the roster. With no real glaring weakness, the only gains to be made would be inherently marginal. A marginal win here or there is absolutely going to be the difference... Читать дальше...

Wallaby Squad Questions – what the front row?

Green and Gold Rugby 

Why has Tolu Latu been selected in the Wallabies to travel to South Africa? I’m confused at this for a number of reasons. Why is Latu selected when he starts from the bench every game behind the preferred hooker for the Waratahs? What has Latu achieved at Super Rugby and Test level that makes him a […]

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Heartbreaking plea of millionaire financier Ben Goldsmith after his daughter Iris, 15, died - Daily Mail

Top Stories (uk) - Google News (ru) 

  1. Heartbreaking plea of millionaire financier Ben Goldsmith after his daughter Iris, 15, died  Daily Mail
  2. Ben Goldsmith shares heartbreaking plea after daughter Iris Annabel, 15, dies in quad bike accident  Evening Standard
  3. Ben Goldsmith pleads for 'little girl back' after teenage daughter's death in quad bike accident  The Telegraph
  4. Ben Goldsmith's heartbreaking tweet after death of daughter in quad bike crash  Mirror Online
  5. View full coverage on Google News

Nothing's Happening Today


This is the worst time of the year, but not for the reason you think. It’s because everyone in sports media all the way down to a three-watt radio station in Cow Skull, Saskatchewan, tells you it’s the worst time of the year. “Nothing’s happening,” “Nothing’s going on,” “We’re so bored,” and “I know, let’s talk about…

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Lululemon Restaurant? Yup. Here’s What to Know


InvestorPlace - Stock Market News, Stock Advice & Trading Tips

Lululemon opened its first restaurant, which is located in Chicago, offering a selection of healthy food items, as well as fitness courses.

The post Lululemon Restaurant? Yup. Here’s What to Know appeared first on InvestorPlace.

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