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Новости за 04.07.2019

EastEnders spoiler: Callum Highway’s secret affair with Ben Mitchell is FINALLY exposed as they’re caught kissing at his wedding to Whitney Dean


CALLUM Highway’s secret affair with Ben Mitchell is FINALLY set to be exposed as they’re caught kissing at his wedding to Whitney Dean. The pair have been having a steamy affair ever since Ben’s return to Albert Square. They have been seen stealing kisses and romping as they cheat behind Whitney’s back. Ben is openly […]

Re: Pro Cycling 2018

Red and White Kop 

Right what's going on here. Letour website has the final 500m of stage 1 as uphill, to my calculations as 5%. B365 have some of the following as odds for this stage

Sagan 9/2 (11/2 on sky); wva 40/1; gva 250/1

Needless to say I have bets on those 3 at those odds, ew for wva and gva

Everything you need to know about Trump’s takeover of DC’s 4th of July


Washington, DC, always puts on a show for the Fourth of July, but for the first time this year, President Donald Trump is personally planning and throwing together his own Independence Day event at the Lincoln Memorial. All are welcome, but VIPs, including Republican donors, will get some special seating. There will be tanks — standing still, not rolling — and there will be fighter jets flying overhead. Trump’s show will be followed by the regular, PBS-broadcast annual concert in […]

Ex-Cowboys player wanted on probation violation after arrest


DALLAS — A former Dallas Cowboys player previously convicted in a drunken driving crash that killed a teammate is now wanted for violating his probation. The Dallas County Sheriff’s office says a warrant was issued for the arrest of Josh Brent after the former defensive lineman was charged with assaulting a police officer. Brent was

Wanted: 14.2hh Riding Cob - New

Dragon Driving 

Wanted 14.2hh to 15hh weight carrying cob, for experienced but lost confidence rider so must be bombproof. I don't mind a real plod and not looking for a superstar just a genuine honest up to weight cob, 6 to 11 years preferable, £1500 to £2000.
Location: Wiltshire
Telephone: 07411 516275

Palermo closer to Serie D


Palermo seem closer than ever to the abyss after the FIGC’s supervisory committee rejected the validity of their registration documents for Serie B.

Megan Rapinoe furious over men’s finals scheduled after World Cup final

New York Post 

Megan Rapinoe considers Sunday to be the final insult. Just a few hours after the United States and the Netherlands meet in the Women’s World Cup final in France, Brazil or Peru will celebrate winning the Copa America, South America’s men’s championship. And then at night, the United States or Mexico will win the CONCACAF...

Re: General Political discussion over scones, tea and those nice biscuits.

Red and White Kop 

Quote from: west_london_red on Today at 09:50:37 PM

I don’t think Twitter is representative of anything other then the very worst of humanity.

It’s a cesspit.

Not really true, unless you only go looking for people like that. Twitter has helped the vulnerable find support and organize, drawn a spotlig...

Спорт в России и мире

Легендарный вратарь Мануэль Нойер стал амбассадором Hisense на Чемпионате Европы по футболу – УЕФА ЕВРО 2024™


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Новости тенниса
Новак Джокович

Легенда тенниса рассказал, готов ли он опять стать тренером Джоковича


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Экология в России и мире

Экологический телемост регоператора МСК-НТ связал школьников Подольска и Москвы

Путин в России и мире

Площадь трех вокзалов в Москве переименуют

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Сегодня президент Беларуси Александр Лукашенко встретился в Минске с губернатором Поморья Александром Цыбульским

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский взял Залужного в заложники? В Киеве начинается новый скандал

Навальный в России и мире

Мосгорсуд оставил в СИЗО журналистку Фаворскую, обвиняемую в экстремизме за репортажи о Навальном

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Сергей Прокофьев

Мариинский театр 23 апреля отметит рождения композитора Прокофьева


Участники аварий в Подмосковье обратились в службу помощи при ДТП 2,4 тыс раз

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