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Новости за 23.05.2019

An advanced recording and analysis system for the differentiation of guinea pig cough responses to citric acid and prostaglandin E2 in real time


by Jianguo Zhuang, Lei Zhao, Xiuping Gao, Fadi Xu

Cough number and/or sound have been used to assess cough sensitivity/intensity and to discriminate cough patterns in clinical settings. However, to date, only manual counting of cough number in an offline manner is applied in animal cough studies, which diminishes the efficiency of cough identification and hinders the diagnostic discrimination of cough patterns, especially in animals with pulmonary diseases. This study aims to validate a novel... Читать дальше...

Sex-related differences in carpal arch morphology


by Kishor Lakshminarayanan, Rakshit Shah, Zong-Ming Li

The purpose of this study was to investigate the sex-based differences in the carpal arch morphology. Carpal arch morphology was quantified using palmar bowing and area of the arch formed by the transverse carpal ligament. The carpal arch was imaged at the distal and proximal tunnel levels using ultrasonography in 20 healthy young adults (10 women and 10 men). It was found that females had a smaller carpal arch height compared to men... Читать дальше...

Noise-precision tradeoff in predicting combinations of mutations and drugs


by Avichai Tendler, Anat Zimmer, Avi Mayo, Uri Alon

Many biological problems involve the response to multiple perturbations. Examples include response to combinations of many drugs, and the effects of combinations of many mutations. Such problems have an exponentially large space of combinations, which makes it infeasible to cover the entire space experimentally. To overcome this problem, several formulae that predict the effect of drug combinations or fitness landscape values have been proposed. Читать дальше...

Caveat Pre-Emptor: Contextualising peer review and publication


by The PLOS Biology Staff Editors

This Editorial describes PLOS Biology's experiment with contextualised publication, whereby potentially controversial studies are published with an Editor’s Note and an accompanying Primer in which the Academic Editor guides the reader, dissects the study, and lays out the thinking behind the decision to publish.

Cracking The Mystery Of Chris Bassitt's Success


When a pitcher suddenly gets better, we can usually find a cause: a change in pitch mix, an increase in velocity, etc. Then there’s Chris Bassitt. Even with a rough outing on Tuesday, he’s still running a 2.48 ERA and striking out more than a batter per inning. What's going on?

Музыкальные новости

Певец Дима Билан показал номер с массажным креслом в челябинском отеле

Персональные новости

Во Владивостоке при содействии СОБР Росгвардии задержан организатор наркопритона

Iraq To Boost West Qurna 1 Oil Output After Exxon Evacuates Staff


Iraq will raise the oil production from its giant West Qurna 1 field by as much as 50,000 bpd in the next few days, a senior industry official told Reuters on Wednesday, days after the oil field developer ExxonMobil evacuated all its foreign staff from the field amid security concerns. Currently, the West Qurna 1 oil field pumps around 440,000 bpd, while Iraq’s intention is to increase that production to 490,000 bpd within days, Basra Oil Company chief Ihsan Abdul Jabbar told Reuters. Last week,... Читать дальше...

Saudi Arabia Scrambles To Calm Oil Markets


Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest oil exporter, and de facto OPEC leader, is trying to calm global oil market jitters, and at least for now, it’s working. Saudi Arabia's council of ministers said on Wednesday that the kingdom "will do everything in its power to prevent any war and its hand is always extended to peace," adding the government was committed "to achieving balance in the (oil) market and working towards its stability on a sustainable basis." The statement also came less than a day after... Читать дальше...

Спорт в России и мире

Сотрудники Росгвардии приняли участие в чемпионате Центрального округа по боксу.


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Елена Рыбакина

Рыбакина о смене гражданства: «Я никому ничего не доказываю. В меня поверил Казахстан, чему я очень рада»


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Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о развитии отечественного судостроения   

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