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Новости за 10.01.2019

Jason Knight announces release from UFC


“Mississippi Mean” is looking for a new home.

Featherweight Jason Knight (also known colloquially as “The Kid” and “Hick Diaz”) announced Thursday that he has been released from the UFC, confirming a report from BJPenn.com.

Words out im free to fight wherever... @BellatorMMA @ONEChampionship @TitanFighting @legacyfighting @MMAjunkie Who wants to see me inside your octagon??? Rizin??? I couldn't figure out how to tag them. pic.twitter.com/GaRCD21AML

— Jason TheKid Knight (@Jasonthekid23) January 10... Читать дальше...

UFC signs Joseph Benavidez to four-fight deal at flyweight

Bloody Elbow 

Joseph Benavidez is a flyweight fighter for the foreseeable future.

Joseph Benavidez’s new contract extension with the UFC adds an interesting wrinkle to the prophesied Ragnarok of the promotion’s flyweight division. The two-time flyweight title challenger has been a vocal proponent of keeping the division alive amid rumors of its demise in the aftermath of Demetrious Johnson’s departure to ONE Championship.

Benavidez tells MMAjunkie he has signed a four-fight extension with the UFC at flyweight. Читать дальше...

Saudi Aramco Set To Disclose Accounts, Oil Reserves In Planned Bond Sale


Saudi Aramco is getting ready to issue a bond in the second quarter of 2019 to help it finance the acquisition of a majority stake in petrochemical giant Sabic, and this debt issue would force Saudi Arabia’s state oil firm to disclose its financials and oil reserves for the first time in decades, Bloomberg reports. Aramco’s bond sale will probably be in U.S. dollars, Bloomberg quoted Saudi Energy Minister Khalid al-Falih as saying at a presentation of the plan in Riyadh. “We will work with our advisers... Читать дальше...

The week's good news: January 10, 2019

The Week 


Now that his beloved dog is by his side, Perryn Miller can heal. Miller, 8, lives in Wilmington, North Carolina. While in Utah for the holidays, Miller started to have bad headaches, and during a trip to the emergency room, doctors discovered he had a brain tumor. Miller underwent surgery, and remained in Utah — far away from his family dog, 8-month-old German shepherd Frank. A former truck driver named Bob Reynolds read about Miller's story on social media and volunteered to drive Frank the 2,300 miles to Utah. Читать дальше...

Michael Cohen to testify before Congress on Feb. 7


President Donald Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen will testify to the House Oversight Committee on Feb. 7, the panel announced Thursday. In December, Cohen was sentenced to 36 months in prison after pleading guilty to multiple charges including campaign-finance crimes. Cohen cooperated with Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe after pleading guilty. He's scheduled to begin his prison term in March.

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De Blasio vows to make buses move faster

New York Post 

Watch out for the “speeding” buses! Mayor Bill de Blasio vowed to increase bus speeds throughout the city by 25 percent — to a whopping 9 miles per hour. The mayor promised to add 15 miles of bus lanes this year — and he will budget seven new bus lane-dedicated tow trucks will make sure...

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Юрий Лоза объяснил, почему Чулпан Хаматова критикует Россию

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Анастасия Костенко

«Медицина бессильна»: в семью Анастасии Костенко пришла беда

Life Without Mattis Is the Scary New Reality

Real Clear Politics 

David Ignatius, Washington Post
At home and abroad, people are now asking a question they've dreaded for nearly two years: How will the erratic presidency of Donald Trump function without the steadying hand of Jim Mattis as defense secretary?

Спорт в России и мире

Легионер "Локомотива" Ньямси: в Москве жизнь дешевле, чем в Париже


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Новости тенниса

Андреева обыграла Паолини и вышла в 1/4 финала турнира WTA в Мадриде


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Экология в России и мире

"Экобас" не для Невы: стильные электросуда для Москвы делают в Ленобласти

Путин в России и мире

Пашинян подготовил "подарок" Путину к его инаугурации. Запад будет доволен

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил о желании построить в Белоруссии вторую АЭС

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Генсек НАТО прибыл в Киев: главные заявления Столтенберга и Зеленского

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