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Новости за 20.08.2018

Ex-Senate president’s spouse admits making crank phone calls

The Seattle Times 

CONCORD, Mass. (AP) — The estranged husband of former Massachusetts Senate President Stan Rosenberg has pleaded guilty to placing harassing phone calls to a treatment facility where he was a patient. The Middlesex district attorney’s office says Bryon Hefner was sentenced Monday to one year of probation. Hefner pleaded guilty in Concord District Court to […]

Retailers, airlines lift U.S. stocks higher, extending gains

The Toledo Blade 

U.S. stocks moved higher in late-afternoon trading Monday, on course to extend the market’s gains from last week. Investors bid up shares in big department store chains and other consumer services companies. Industrial stocks also rose, led by airlines. Energy companies climbed along with the price of U.S. crude oil. Technology stocks lagged the broader market.

Life Is Strange 2’s reveal trailer introduces us to the Diaz brothers

Rock Paper Shotgun 

The Life Is Strange series isn’t known for telling the happiest of stories, but the Gamescom reveal trailer for Dontnod’s sequel Life Is Strange 2 wastes no time in letting you know that this one is going to be a downer. The video below gives us a brief introduction to the young Diaz brothers – […]

The Truth About The Meccan Black Stone


How many Muslims know that the black stone they say they don't worship is taught in the hadith to come alive Judgment Day, to be given eyes and a tongue to let Allah know who touched it in truth? How many also know that it was stolen, held for ransom, treated as a urinal by Abu Tahir of the Qarmatians, and, returned back to Mecca in pieces?

Kylie Jenner Wears a Sexy Red Dress in the Big Apple!

«Just Jared» 

Kylie Jenner leaves a dinner party in a sexy red dress on Sunday night (August 19) at Carbone restaurant in New York City. The 21-year-old reality star and makeup mogul showed off her new blonde hair while leaving the restaurant. Kylie is in town for the VMAs, where her boyfriend Travis Scott will be performing. [...]

AUFC In the Rio Open!

Albuquerque United Football Club 

Congratulations to all of our teams that participated in the Rio Open this weekend! Great work everyone, we cannot wait to see how all of our teams progress through the season. Shout-out to a few of our teams who took home some hardware: AUFC 09 Boys took second place in an extremely close championship game […]

Air quality: Don’t we all breathe?

The Seattle Times 

My 11-month twin grandsons don’t understand why they are being kept inside, but my 4-year-old granddaughter tells me, “it’s because of the wildfires in Eastern Washington and Oregon.” Summers of smoke-filled air are not her “new normal,” they are her normal. Clean air was not her birthright. As I watch my grandchildren breathing air more […]

Музыкальные новости

Удмуртский проект победил в Международном профессиональном конкурсе НОПРИЗ на лучший проект – 2023

Персональные новости
Владимир Путин

Путин поручил рассмотреть вопрос о создании профильных агроклассов

Re: Cheating Scousers - Diver Salah


Quote from: goat on Today at 21:49:34

to be fair sterling does dive like a cnut as well

Well to be fair I do accept that. Not as much as when he was at the Pool and the Sky presenters accept Salah had to go down...

Спорт в России и мире

В Московской области прошел чемпионат Центрального округа Росгвардии по стрельбе из боевого ручного стрелкового оружия


Все новости спорта сегодня

Новости тенниса

Свёнтек разгромила Кырстю и вышла в 1/8 финала турнира WTA-1000 в Мадриде


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Экология в России и мире

Huawei представила IDS на 26-м Всемирном энергетическом конгрессе

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт: корректировка порогов крупного и особо крупного ущерба по экономическим статьям оправдана и своевременна

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Дух разделения в Святой Руси, или Можно ли лишиться сана за отпевание Навального*

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




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На трассе М-4 "Дон" появится разметка для контроля дистанции

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