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Новости за 05.08.2018

Most 'refugees' actually come from 'normal' circumstances


It’s been all over the news in recent months: how refugees from Central America face near-certain death if they can’t obtain asylum in America. Most recently, the United Nations refugee agency tweeted that resettlement is a “lifeline” for them. But it’s generally not true, according to a new report from the Center for Immigration Studies, an independent, non-partisan foundation. The […]

Nancy Tuckerman, 89, Trusted Aide of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Dies

The New York Times 

Nancy Tuckerman, center, the personal assistant to Jacqueline Onassis, looked on in 1975 in New York as Mrs. Onassis tried her hand at Counterstrike, a board game, based on backgammon, invented by Roger W. Tuckerman, right, Ms. Tuckerman’s brother. At rear was Letitia Baldridge, who had preceded Ms. Tuckerman as social secretary to the first lady Jacqueline Kennedy.

Nancy Tuckerman, Jacqueline Kennedy’s Trusted Aide, Is Dead at 89

The New York Times 

Nancy Tuckerman, center, the personal assistant to Jacqueline Onassis, looked on in 1975 in New York as Mrs. Onassis tried her hand at Counterstrike, a board game, based on backgammon, invented by Roger W. Tuckerman, right, Ms. Tuckerman’s brother. At rear was Letitia Baldridge, who had preceded Ms. Tuckerman as social secretary to the first lady Jacqueline Kennedy.

Bears linebacker Danny Trevathan keeping it under control


BOURBONNAIS, Ill. — When NFL officials visited Bears camp to show a film on rule changes aimed at player safety, inside linebacker Danny Trevathan realized he’d have to alter his style. “Shoot,” Trevathan said. “I was on the film.” One of last season’s most physical and controversial plays landed Trevathan a one-game suspension, and joined

Blast kills Syrian arms program researcher

Al Arabiya (English) 

A research director at a military agency linked to Syria’s chemical weapons program was assassinated, a newspaper close to the Syrian government reported Sunday. The pro-government al-Watan

Five things we learned from the Community Shield

The Punch 

Manchester City cruised to an impressive 2-0 win over Chelsea in the Community Shield at Wembley on Sunday. Here, AFP Sport looks at five things we learned from the annual curtain raiser to the English top-flight season: Foden shows his potential Hailed as the ‘Stockport Iniesta’ for the way his smooth passing conjures memories of […]

Музыкальные новости

"Новосибирск, бро, за всё прости": концерт Басты на "Сибирь-Арене" собрал аншлаг

Персональные новости
Сергей Шойгу

Шойгу отстранил Тимура Иванова от должности замглавы Минобороны

8yo boy dies after mistaking meth for breakfast cereal


An eight-year-old boy has died after he reportedly ate his father's crystal meth thinking it was breakfast cereal. Indiana boy Curtis Collman III died on June 21 after he apparently told his father ...

Vintage plane crashes in Swiss Alps, killing 20 on board

Times Union 

BERLIN (AP) — Determining why a vintage plane crashed in the Swiss Alps will be challenging since the 79-year-old aircraft did not have black boxes and was traveling in an area without frequent radar readings when it plunged into a mountain, killing all 20 of the people on board, investigators said Sunday. The Junkers Ju-52 plane, operated by Swiss company Ju-Air, moved at a near-vertical angle before it hit the Piz Segnas mountain while carrying 17 passengers and three crew members, police and the... Читать дальше...

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Александр Розенбаум

Певец Розенбаум похвастался возрождением сети советских пивных в Петербурге


В конце апреля и начале мая электрички из Твери и Конаково будут следовать только до Зеленограда

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