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Новости за 01.05.2018

Funny Face Swap


face swapping brucelyn jenner and the president of the united states.

Motorcyclists avoid hitting pedestrians and crashes into a car


On the record made by the registrar, it is clear that the rider tried to overtake the wagon on the turntable. At that moment he noticed two pedestrians crossing the roadway outside the transition zone. The biker managed to avoid a serious collision with people, but after a couple of moments a two-wheeled vehicle flew into the oncoming car Toyota Camry, whose driver did not expect such a development of events. From the blow the motorcyclist flew over the hood of the car. It is known that Alexander T.... Читать дальше...

Brit playboy crashes lb270k Rolls Royce


Footage shows the car smashing trunk-first through a tobacco shop window after the driver lost control at high speed and mounted a kerb. He vanished with his female friends and abandoned the badly-damaged Rolls Royce Dawn Coupe, which is now in a police pound, before traffic cops arrived. Today, Civil Guard officers confirmed they had identified him and were confident they would be able to track him down and arrest him in the next few days. Witnesses said he hit a kerb outside a packed restaurant... Читать дальше...

Police squeeze a man between the car door the stolen Porsche


{{file|t=9Ch1l_1525205790}} Happened on Apr 28th, 2018 on Gardiner Express in Toronto. Porsche was racing with R8. Cop missed the R8 and trying to get this Porsche. Porsche driver trying to flee but hit cop and ran away

Leftists Piss Themselves Over GA Campaign Ad


local NBC affiliate in Georgia has shared complaints from viewers concerned over a pro-gun campaign ad for GOP gubernatorial candidate Brian Kemp. In the ad, Kemp appears with a young man who says he is "interested in one of [his] daughters." Kemp quizzes the teen, "Jake," on several of his campaign goals while holding a shotgun. Kemp then asks Jake about his two requirements for dating Kemp's daughter: "have respect for women" and "a healthy appreciation for the Second Amendment." Kemp then points the gun at Jake... Читать дальше...

One Punch That Ended Virginia Woman's Life


On a hot, seemingly ordinary night last summer, a man and a woman each walked into a convenience store in Northern Virginia. Minutes later, the man would punch the woman once, killing her after he claims she used a racial slur against him during their brief encounter inside the store. Fidelia Montiel-Benitez, a 39-year-old , died after Robert Coleman punched her. Coleman, a 26-year-old father, told police he struck Montiel-Benitez after they clashed and she called him the N-word. He also claimed... Читать дальше...

Berlin: Tricky Jews Handing Out Free Yarmulkes to Common Citizens


The Jew is a tricky weasel. He has people attacking him on the street due to his dirty deeds - so what does he do? He hands out his costume to everyone so everyone gets attacked for his dirty deeds. Activists distributed kippahs to members of the public at several of Berlin's major parks on Sunday in response to a reported rise in anti-Semitic incidents over the past year. A series of marches, protests and solidarity events have been held in the city following a spate of incidents over recent months where Jews have been targeted. Читать дальше...

Police vehicle goes on two wheels when attempted to PIT a car jacked vehicle


On Saturday, April 28, the Brevard County Sheriff's Office Communication Center received information from the Indian River County Sheriff's Office that there was a Black Jaguar SUV northbound on U.S. 1, doing approximately 100 miles per hour that had been stolen during an armed carjacking. According to the initial , the vehicle was occupied by two male suspects and a female suspect who was reportedly armed with a semi-automatic handgun that was used during the carjacking. Additionally, a Sebastian... Читать дальше...

Mueller's former assistant explains how grammar errors prove 'leaked questions' came from Trump


former special assistant to Robert Mueller doesn't believe for a second that the "leaked questions" came from the special counsel or that those are the questions he'll ask. It was revealed Monday that there are 40 questions that Mueller will allegedly ask President Donald Trump about the ongoing investigations. The New York Times reported that someone outside of Trump's legal team leaked the questions. However, Michael Zeldin, who now works as a legal analyst for CNN, told "New Day" that he doesn't... Читать дальше...

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Шапки женские вязаные на Wildberries, 2024 — новый цвет от 392 руб. (модель 466)

Extreme caving: a tube passage


Unknown location: sometimes you need to put a manmade tube into a cave passage to avoid continuous build-up of debris in this section, but also to avoid cavers getting buried under debris in this section, typically in the very early regions of the cage as you can't transport such tubes deep into a cave at all. These tubes are obviously just sufficiently wide for a skilled and fearless person to get through. This (very short) clips gives you an idea what it feels like diving in there. +++ CLAUSTROPHOBIA... Читать дальше...

Probably The Most Compelling Video I've Seen That NASA Never Went To The Moon


I never used to even consider that the moon landing may have been faked, and may have been for major political reasons, but this video definitely tests that bigtime imo. I'm not sure wtf the narrator is babbling about at the end of the video, but that's just bs. If they faked it, how the hell did they keep that many people from talking? Thanks.

100 в 1. 37 выпуск 01.05.2018 ТЕТ


100 в 1. 37 серия 01.05.2018 последний выпуск. Сегодня жители дома активно решали дилеммы и буквально истекали потом, чтобы похудеть. За сутки они сбросили 32 кг на всех и заработали 200 000 грн. Однако со следующей дилеммой дом потерпел поражение. Теперь в доме

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Певец Стас Михайлов заявил, что в детстве пел шансон заключенному за деньги


Собянин: Столичные школьники и студенты вернулись из Большой арктической экспедиции

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