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York City Baths Club

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Gala Report – City of Sheffield March Madness

York City Baths Club 

Swimmers from all of the training squads were racing at the City of Sheffield March Madness gala on Sunday 3rd March at Ponds Forge. The swimmers raced in the 50m and 100m sprint events. It was a very successful day for the club with a strong PB count and medal haul. There were nearly 250 swims, with 149 recorded personal best times on the day with 37 medals won. Please find the summary of the gala below: Swims – 246 PBs – 149 (61%) Medals – 37 Gold (13) Jess Heaton – 6 Morgan Burns – 3 Olivia Allen... Читать дальше...

Gala Report – City of Sunderland New Year Meet and Team Jorvik New Year Festival 2024

York City Baths Club 

A successful start to long course season! Over the weekend of Friday 19th to Sunday 21st January, the YCBC swimmers were racing in their first long course meets of the season. The National Squad attended the Level 1 City of Sunderland New Year Meet and the other five squads were racing at the Team Jorvik New Year Festival in Leeds. At both of the competitions, the PB rate was over 70% and over 100 medals were won by the swimmers combined. YCBC was also the top club at the Team Jorvik New Year Festival. Читать дальше...

Short Course NERs

York City Baths Club 

The YCBC swimmers competed at Ponds Forge over the weekend of the 4th and 5th of November 2023 at the Swim England North East Short Course Regional Championships. The championships were split into two separate pools (Age Group swimmers aged 11-14 years and Youth / Senior swimmers aged 15 years and over). Across the two pools, there were 119 swims for the YCBC swimmers of which 67 swims were personal best times. Seven swimmers were on the podium and won twelve medals in total, nine in the age group... Читать дальше...

Summer Nationals Report 2023

York City Baths Club 

Over the past two weeks, seven YCBC swimmers from the National Squad have been competing at the two summer national championship events in Sheffield. Please find a summary of the championships below: British Summer Nationals Two swimmers from YCBC competed at the British Summer Championships in Sheffield between 22nd-28th July in events over the week long meet. In order to qualify for this meet, swimmers had to be in the top 24 in Britain at the end of the national qualifying window. Individuals Heats 2 Swimmers ... Читать дальше...

Changes to the Squad Timetable from 4th June 2023

York City Baths Club 

There will be some alterations to our Squad Timetable with effect from the week commencing 4th June 2023. Changes at The Mount Pool mean that that the pool will no longer be available to YCBC for the provision of swimming lessons. In addition, the pool will be closed for maintenance throughout July, impacting our lessons. As a result of these changes, our Tuesday evening swimming lessons will be re-locating to St Peter’s School Pool from early June onwards. With no additional pool time available at suitable times... Читать дальше...

Gala Report – SENER Championships 2023

York City Baths Club 

It has been a very busy period for the YCBC swimmers who have been competing at Swim England North East Region Championships 2023. The age group swimmers aged between 11-14 competed in Sunderland over two weekends on the 22nd-2th April and the 13th-14th May. The youth and senior swimmers aged 15 years and over competed in Sheffield over the May bank holiday weekend from 29th April-1st May. There were many excellent performances from the swimmers, first time finalists at the regional championships and four medalists from the club. Читать дальше...

YCBC Swimmers attend Yorkshire Championships

York City Baths Club 

Over three weekends in February, the YCBC swimmers were in action at the Yorkshire Championships. The first two weekends took place at John Charles in Leeds with final weekend at Ponds Forge in Sheffield. The YCBC swimmers had some fantastic swims during the championships with over 150 best times posted and 21 medals won. Please find a summary of the Championships below: Heats Swims – 222 PBs – 159 (72%) Finals – 64 Individual Finals Swims – 64 Conversions – 37 Conversion Rate – 58% Medals – 21 Medals... Читать дальше...

YCBC Swimmers attend Winter Yorkshire Championships

York City Baths Club 

The YCBC swimmers have been racing once again during a busy October, this time in the Winter Yorkshire Championships which was split into two competitions. The first competition was for swimmers aged 13 years and over and took place on the 9th and 10th October at Leeds. There were swimmers competing from the National, Regional and Club Squad. The second competition was for the swimmers aged 9-12 years and over took place on the 23rd and 24th October in Sheffield. There were swimmers from National... Читать дальше...

National & Regional YCBC swimmers attend City of Leeds October Meet

York City Baths Club 

The swimmers from the National and Regional Squad competed at the City of Leeds October Meet over the weekend of the 2nd and 3rd October. The purpose of the meet was to race in some of the longer events such as the 200 / 400m events and try to maintain underwater distances and technical skills throughout the race. There were 224 swims over the course of the weekend of which 152 swims were PBs. The swimmers won 70 medals in total. Gala Summary Swims = 224 PBs = 152 PB % = 68% Medals = 70 19 Gold Eve... Читать дальше...

National swimmers attend City of Sheffield Teaspoon Meet

York City Baths Club 

Six of the National Squad swimmers competed for the first time this season at the City of Sheffield Teaspoon meet at Ponds Forge. The swimmers achieved 14 personal bests from 22 swims (64% PBs) and won 6 medals between them. Medalists 2 Gold Aidan Fothergill (50m Breaststroke) Mollie Garratt (50m Backstroke) 4 Bronze Emily Robson (50m Butterfly and 50m Breaststroke) Jason Robson (50m Freestyle) Mollie Garratt (50m Freestyle)

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