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Новости за 04.04.2017

Tesla Shares Surpass $300


Tesla, which overtook Ford as the second-largest U.S. auto maker by market value, continued its run by eclipsing $300-a-share for the first time and closing the gap with GM.

New York’s Top Court Rejects Facebook’s Warrant Challenge


New York’s highest court on Tuesday rejected effort to challenge search warrants demanding information about hundreds of customers in connection with a Social Security fraud probe. As Law Blog earlier reported, New York City prosecutors obtained the warrants as part of a sweeping investigation into fraudulent Social Security disability claims, including claims submitted by retired […]

Listing of the Day: Malibu Villa


Designed to have the look and feel of a Mediterranean country estate, this 10,135-square-foot Malibu villa features roomy interiors and authentic accents.

Staples Deal: Does the Good Outweigh the Bad?


Staples’s business serving corporate customers could make it more interesting to a private-equity buyer, but they would still have to contend with retail declines.

The Small Business Report, April 4, 2017


Businesses that rely at least partly on illegal immigrants are starting to lose revenue; and the sales-tax issue returns for small businesses selling products online.

Listing of the Day: Melody Key


Located on its own private island, this Florida Keys property was originally built by Nick Hexum, of the band 311, as a getaway to write music.

Tale of a Refugee: Finding Work on the Bottom Rung


Joshua Mahinanda Kangere, a refugee from the Democratic Republic of Congo, arrived to the U.S. two months ago amid the legal battle over President Trump’s immigration orders. In Congo, Joshua worked as a nurse but now, to rebuild his life in Connecticut, he’s restarting his career from the lowest rung. Photo: Matt McDonald/The Wall Street Journal

U.S. Considers Far-Reaching Steps for 'Extreme Vetting'


Foreigners who want to visit the U.S. could be forced to disclose contacts on their mobile phones, social-media passwords and financial records, and to answer probing questions about their ideology, according to Trump administration officials.

U.S. and China, Sniping in Public, Try to Lower the Volume in Private


Donald Trump and China’s leader Xi Jinping meet this week for their first summit at the president’s Mar-a-Lago estate, with both invested in dreams of national greatness. The meeting’s success hinges in part on whether aides have created adequate grounds for a working relationship.

Brexit & Beyond: Frankfurt Emerges as Brexit Winner, Lawmakers Demand Clarity on ‘No Deal’, Bond Investors Brace for Selloff


Brexit & Beyond: Europe in Flux is The Wall Street Journal’s round-up of news and analysis of how Brexit will affect global business, economies and finance. You can sign up here. MUST READS The city skyline in the financial district in Frankfurt. PHOTO: Bloomberg News Frankfurt Landlords Welcome Brexit Business: The office market in Germany’s financial […]

U.S. Companies Expected to Post Strongest Quarter Since 2011


U.S. companies are poised to report their strongest quarterly earnings in years, potentially building on the stock market’s rally. However, disappointing results could reignite concerns that stock-price gains have outpaced earnings growth.

Fed's Lacker Steps Down Over His Role in 2012 Leak Case


Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond President Jeffrey Lacker said he was stepping down effective Tuesday in a letter that revealed his involvement in an alleged 2012 leak of confidential Fed information.

Музыкальные новости

Надежда Стрелец резко высказалась о хейтерах, после того как мама Тимати раскритиковала ее интервью с Аленой Шишковой

Персональные новости

«Хлеб всему голова». Как в Крыму и Севастополе изменились цены на хлеб?

Gillette, Bleeding Market Share, Cuts Prices of Razors


Razor giant Gillette—which has been losing market share for six straight years—is slashing its prices as it fends off startups Dollar Shave Club and Harry’s, which together have grabbed 12.2% of the U.S. market.

Staples Explores Sale After Failed Office Depot Deal


Staples is exploring a sale, less than a year after its effort to merge with rival retailer Office Depot failed on antitrust grounds. The one-time “category killer” office-supplies seller is in talks with a small number of possible private-equity bidders, according to people familiar with the matter.

Depression Treatment Is Focus of World Health Day


Depression, the leading cause of disability worldwide, is the focus of 2017 World Health Day. Fountain House president Kenneth Dudek and World Health Organization director Dr. Shekhar Saxena discuss a multi-pronged approach to treating the disease on Lunch Break with Tanya Rivero. Photo: iStock

Спорт в России и мире

Вокруг парка на электромобиле: что будет доступно напрокат в Москве


Все новости спорта сегодня

Новости тенниса
Полина Михайлова

Россиянка Полина Михайлова стала чемпионкой Франции по настольному теннису


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Экология в России и мире

"Экобас" не для Невы: стильные электросуда для Москвы делают в Ленобласти

Путин в России и мире

Президент России Владимир Путин подтвердил проведение XVI Международного военно-музыкального фестиваля «Спасская башня»

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил о желании построить в Белоруссии вторую АЭС

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Шпагаты, но уже без нижнего белья: хакеры взломали аккаунт Волочковой


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