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World Players of Handball

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A Life Saved

World Players of Handball 

Larry Lenning Saves a Life at the Tucson Racquet Club Tucson, AZ, WPH Press, 4/28/24 After seeing a racquetball player suffer a major heart attack outside the court at the Tucson Racquet Club earlier this week, Larry Lenning sprung into action, performing chest compression CPR to restore breathing, giving way to the TRC’s staff and […]

Streibig and Munroe Close Down the Hinder Club

World Players of Handball 

2024 USHA Women’s Classic & MO State Singles Championships St. Louis, MO, WPH Press, 4/28/24 One-hundred-and-twenty players filled the famed St. Louis Hinder Club for the 2025 MO State Singles Championships & USHA Women’s Classic, featuring many of the Race 4 Eight’s top men’s and women’s stars in the last event at the present-day Hinder […]

Salt Lake City Video Preview

World Players of Handball 

Salt Lake City, UT, WPH Press, 4/26/24 The 2023/24 Race 4 Eight season will conclude with the May 3-5, 2024 Race 4 Eight Player’s Championship at the Sports Mall in Salt Lake City, UT, as the Race 4 Eight’s best will compete for double ranking points in the most prestigious and lucrative event in professional […]

2024 WPH Race 4 Eight Salt Lake City Aces Player’s Championship Full Preview

World Players of Handball 

Salt Lake City, UT, WPH Press The 2024 WPH Race 4 Eight Salt Lake City Aces Player’s Championship provides professional handball’s greatest showcase, featuring the R48, WR48, and SR48 battling for Player’s Championships, the most coveted prize in professional handball. Lucho Cordova clinched the 2022/23 Player’s Cup for the year-end #1 player with a spectacular […]

Fun Facts and Trends, by Dave Fink

World Players of Handball 

DF’s R48 Trends and Facts, Race 4 Eight History of Champions, Handball Origins and Much More: 2011-Post 2024 Race 4 Eight Hall of Fame Through 87 events on the Race 4 Eight tour from 2011-2024, the Race 4 Eight has produced sensational tournaments, memorable matches, dominant champions and inspiring stories, all broadcast live on WPH […]

F-M Handball Club in Fargo, ND/Moorhead, MN Upcoming Tournaments

World Players of Handball 

WPH Press, Fargo, ND, 4/20/24 Sign Up for the Manitoba Open before it’s too late: Get your passport or enhanced driver’s license (the one with the chip) ready and enter the Manitoba Open to be played in beautiful Winnipeg on April 26-27.  The Canadian players regularly play in the F-M Handball Club’s tournaments, so please consider supporting their tournament if you […]

Updated Rankings Pre-Salt Lake City: SR40+, Elite Women & Pro Men

World Players of Handball 

The tightest Race4Eight Rankings the tour has ever seen, as we head into the final stop of the season, are now available and there’s a mix-up at the top! Martin Mulkerrins returns to the #1 position -and- jumps the Cordova Brothers in the process; meanwhile, Lucho (Luis Cordova) drops out of the top spot for […]

JR WPH/USHA Junior Clinic with Team Carl Hayden High School

World Players of Handball 

Tucson, AZ, WPH Press, 4/14/24 JR WPH and the USHA proudly collaborated on a junior handball clinic for twelve players from Phoenix’s Carl Hayden High School. The WPH’s David Fink and USHA board member and Race 4 Eight pro Max Langmack explained how to hit the small ball, highlighting the whip stroke with a loose […]

The Race 4 Eight Hits the LAAC, March 21-23, 2025

World Players of Handball 

Los Angeles, CA, WPH Press Enter the March 21-23, 2025 LAAC R48/WR48/SR48 HERE The World Players of Handball and the Los Angeles Athletic Club are thrilled to present the 2025 LAAC R48/WR48/SR48 at the famed Los Angeles Athletic Club in downtown Los Angeles. The LAAC is located at 431 W. 7th St., Los Angeles, CA 90014. The […]

2024 R48LTE USHA Hall of Fame: Mulkerrins Wins Number 8

World Players of Handball 

Day 3 Tucson, AZ, WPH Press, 4/14/24 R48 Final: Martin vs. Lucho Sunday’s Hall of Fame final pitted two of the Race 4 Eight’s greatest champions in pursuit of not only the Hall of Fame title, but positioning themselves for the season-end Player’s Cup for the number one player on tour. Despite being ranked in […]

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