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Can you show us the stats on the number

Will Jagex release yak track in the same time with a major update again? Didn't they say since players are overflowed by it with content that they will not do it? Last yak track got released together with two contents and it was a bit too much. What do you think? Funnily enough they've had without updates, and after archeology it'll be months without updates but the ONE upgrade we get in the first half 2020 they match with yaktrack. They publish them with major content updates so that you feel more pressure to spend money on bonds for task skips so as to complete it in time.

This is a little different and shouldn't be anywhere near as overwhelming. There is lots of time to complete the Yak Track for you personally, and for portions of it you're able to advance it by playing the new skill, so the synergy ought to be better and also the strain that a whole lot lower. If it proves too overwhelming for some, I'm sure that will be taken under account for future Yak Tracks.

Can you show us the stats on the number of people finished the 60 yak trail jobs in a week? All with plenty of time is a hefty claim. Combine that in with the fact that 120 farming and herb Dident also apply to half of the game as it published, and is assert that arch is a MUCH bigger update then the ones from the last's yak track. And can we be real for a single moment? We just went with a newcomer pursuit and patch notes. The yak course is the best sort of content to discharge throughout the slower (not gigantic update) months because it gives the players something to actively pursue that is not their normal play.

Yak Track will have Archaeology-themed jobs from the second week of this being in-game, so you can enjoy the new ability without feeling the pressure of finishing tasks which would take you away from it.Don't you think making us attempt to finish yak track challenges related to archaeology really takes away from us discovering the skill? Most players, when a new ability comes out, want to research and do themselves they want to. Not stop their researching to attain yak monitor jobs that are random. It should not be intrusive - they'll be activities that you would finish by simply doing the ability. The aim is for this to work together with, rather than detract from, your expertise of this ability.

Additionally - Yak Tracks are open for 6 weeks, so that they do permit for that breathing area to complete tasks if you really do need to explore at your leisure and come back to them later on when you're more comfortable with the skill. Im interested in the rewards. During the initial one, that you published throughout 120 farm/herb, there were benefits which gave you +2% herblore xp increase for the duration of the event (+6percent in total if I recall correctly). Since MTX is handicapped for archeology I expect you aren't pulling something like this Yaktrack using a silly explanation"Its not only MTX, it's an occasion"... We know alot of the tasks are archeology related.

This is every time event that is limited goes. The preceding one took me 2 1/2 weeks. If I waited until the last week it might have been very stressful so I will be a player putting 90% of my game time focus on conclusion of this Yak Track. The point is, these events do cause a type of stress and urgency to finish off.

Check out https://www.rsgoldfast.com/ for more details.


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