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Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports)

Новости за 21.04.2020

WHO raises alarm; 'India is doing its best': ICMR

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) on Tuesday said India was doing the best possible as per its capabilities to combat the Covid-19 outbreak and that one must have faith in science which was making fast advances towards developing a vaccine and therapeutic interventions.

'69% of cases found positive were asymptomatic'

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

Covid-19 tests that delivered positive results in India so far show 69% positive cases were asymptomatic, whereas 31% are symptomatic representing a ratio of 1:2, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) said on Tuesday. So far, over four lakh samples have been tested for Covid-19 in India and of these 18,601 were positive.

Crystal Palace claim to be world's oldest professional club

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

Crystal Palace have made an audacious claim to be considered the oldest league club in existence still playing professional football after new research appeared to show they were founded in 1861.

Crude crash to ease some lockdown pain for India

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

Black Gold has fallen from grace. And How! US crude WTI sank into negative territory for the first time in history at -$37/barrel and Brent, the benchmark for two-thirds of the global oil trade, settled at 18-year low of $21.48 on Tuesday, sending traders and the global oil industry scurrying for cover.

Siddle picks Dhoni as wicket-keeper in his all-time opponent XI

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

Australia fast-bowler Peter Siddle assembled an all-time opponent XI against whom he played during the course of his career. South African players dominated Siddle's team as the Proteas have four representations while England come a close second with three players. Asian giants India and Sri Lanka have two players each in Siddle's all-time XI.

Virat Kohli 'howled' all night after team rejection

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

India captain Virat Kohli revealed Tuesday how he "howled" through the night after being rejected by his state side before turning into the world's leading batsman. Kohli made his debut for home state Delhi in 2006 before breaking into the national team two years later in a one-day international against Sri Lanka.

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Shami reveals how Zaheer Khan, Wasim Akram shaped his bowling career

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

India pacer Mohammed Shami on Tuesday revealed what role Zaheer Khan and Wasim Akram have played in shaping his bowling career. Shami also revealed that growing up he used to look up to Sachin Tendulkar, Virender Sehwag, Zaheer, and Akram.

Karan Vohra supports campaign to feed stray animals

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

While in his hometown Delhi during the lockdown, television actor Karan Vohra has started a fundraiser campaign in association with a crowdfunding platform to support Delhi-based NGO for animals, Friendicoes

Bengal, Centre clash over central teams' visit

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

The face-off between the Centre and West Bengal over the visit of two central teams for an on-the-spot assessment of the COVID-19 situation escalated on Tuesday as the panel members lay confined to guest houses for most part of the day before the state relented following a stern letter from the Union home secretary.

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Юные керамисты школы №2120 выиграли три Гран-при конкурса «Мир дому твоему!»


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