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The Verge

Новости за 01.03.2021

Apple not switching to USB-C iPhones in the near future, according to Ming-Chi Kuo

The Verge 

Photo by Amelia Holowaty Krales / The Verge

The dream of a USB-C iPhone may be dead, according to the latest research note from Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo. The company reportedly has no plans to adopt USB-C on future iPhone devices or integrate a Touch ID sensor into the power button (two technologies that exist on Apple’s iPad hardware, like the 2020 iPad Air).

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Apple has reopened all of its US retail stores for the first time in nearly a year

The Verge 

Photo by DANIEL SLIM/AFP via Getty Images

Every Apple Store location in the US has reopened as of today, roughly two weeks prior to the anniversary of the first store closures due to the coronavirus pandemic that began on March 13th, 2020. The news, reported by 9to5Mac this morning, coincides with the last of Apple’s Texas retail stores reopening on Monday. Apple also confirmed to The Verge that all 270 US Apple Store locations are now open in some capacity for either in-store shopping or online order pickup. Читать дальше...

Workhorse meeting with USPS about lost mail truck bid

The Verge 

The Oshkosh-designed mail truck. The new fleet will only be 10 percent electric, though the vehicles can supposedly be converted. | Image: USPS

Commercial EV startup Workhorse will have a “face-to-face” with the United States Post Office on March 3rd to find out more about the agency’s decision to have defense manufacturer Oshkosh build the new fleet of mail trucks. Workhorse was the last remaining bidder pitching to build an all-electric fleet, an idea that President Biden supported with... Читать дальше...

Future hurricane seasons might start two weeks early

The Verge 

Satellite imagery of Tropical Storm Arthur on May 18th, 2020. | Image: NOAA

Next year’s Atlantic hurricane season could begin on May 15th if officials decide this year to move its formal start date up by two weeks. The decision will likely be made this spring, during meetings held by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

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Rocket Lab unveils bigger rocket and plans to go public via SPAC

The Verge 

Peter Beck’s Rocket Lab is going public. | Photo by Phil Walter / Getty Images

Small launch firm Rocket Lab announced plans on Monday to go public through a merger with a special purpose acquisition company, or SPAC, marking the latest deal in an industry where SPAC mergers are becoming increasingly common. The firm also unveiled a new rocket called Neutron that its chief executive said will be capable of launching humans.

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Walmart drops $35 order minimum for its two-hour delivery service

The Verge 

Photo by Kena Betancur/VIEWpress via Getty Images

Walmart is dropping its $35 minimum order requirement to qualify for its Express two-hour delivery service, the retailer announced on Monday. The move puts Walmart’s e-commerce platform on better footing to compete with Amazon Prime, which has offered customers same-day delivery for certain items in specific markets through its Prime Now service since 2016.

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US drone firm Skydio valued at $1 billion as government freezes out Chinese competition

The Verge 

Skydio’s X2 drone is aimed at enterprise and military customers. | Image: Skydio

Skydio has become the first US dronemaker with a valuation of more than $1 billion, a signal of deeper investment in American-made drones after the US government blacklisted Chinese manufacturers. The California-based Skydio raised $170 million in a Series D funding round led by VC firm Andreessen Horowitz, as first reported by The Financial Times.

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Today I learned the iPhone’s excellent document scanner can be controlled from a Mac

The Verge 

Scan documents directly into Mail, Finder, and other Mac apps. | Image: Apple

The iPhone’s Notes app has a powerful document scanning feature built right into it, and today I learned that this scanner can be controlled directly from a paired Mac in a variety of apps. It’s an incredibly useful tip for Mac users as it cuts out the awkward middle steps of having to transfer it from phone to computer, or grabbing it from the Mac’s Notes app after it syncs. Shoutout to TikTok account @keyboardshortcuts for bringing it to my attention. Читать дальше...

Polaris teases an all-electric Ranger, first in its collaboration with Zero Motorcycles

The Verge 

The first electric power sports vehicle to emerge from the new collaboration between Polaris and Zero Motorcycles will be a battery-powered Ranger utility side-by-side. The companies didn’t provide any details about the vehicle’s range, battery pack, or price, but they did say that production on the new UTV (or utility terrain vehicle) was expected to start in December 2021.

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Cybersecurity firm says social media bots hyped GameStop during trading frenzy

The Verge 

Photo by Sean Hollister / The Verge

A cybersecurity firm found that bots were promoting GameStop stock on social media before and after the stock’s frenzied rise last month, Reuters reported. Massachusetts-based PiiQ Media says social media bots promoted Dogecoin, GameStop, and other “meme” stocks in posts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. The firm estimated that tens of thousands of bots participated, but it’s still unclear how much influence they had or didn’t have on the rise and fall of GME and other stocks. Читать дальше...

Minneapolis hiring social media influencers for former police officers’ trials

The Verge 

George Floyd died in police custody in May 2020 | Getty

Minneapolis is hiring social media influencers to share “city-generated and approved messages” during the trials of four former city police officers charged in the May 2020 killing of George Floyd, according to the Minnesota Reformer. The Minneapolis city council approved the plan on Friday, which calls for six influencers to be paid about $2,000 each to spread the city’s messages with Black, Native American, Hmong, and Latino communities. Читать дальше...

Спорт в России и мире

Личка — о самой дорогой покупке в Москве: два дня назад решил купить самокат за 60 тысяч рублей


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Собянин: к 2030 году на долю Москвы придется 35–40% туристов в России

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Лукашенко заявил о желании построить в Белоруссии вторую АЭС

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