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Новости за 27.04.2018

How old is Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York, when was her wedding to Prince Andrew and who are her daughters Beatrice and Eugenie?


LONDON-born Sarah Ferguson came to prominence following her marriage to Prince Andrew in 1986, and although the couple divorced, she still retains her title and is a noted writer and charity patron. Here’s the lowdown on Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York. How old is Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York? Sarah Margaret Ferguson, 58, was born […]

What is Prince George’s full title and name, where does George Alexander Louis come from and how much older is he than his little brother?


PRINCE George is the first-born child of Kate Middleton and Prince William. The third-in-line to the throne was born on July 22 2013. What is Prince George’s full name? The four-year-old’s full name is George Alexander Louis. It took his parents, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, two days to announce his name. His name […]

Shocking ‘dog-cam’ video footage shows blind man and his guide dog stranded waiting for Southeastern train in London as commuters repeatedly shut carriage doors on him


A BLIND man has told how train passengers “barged past” him and deliberately closed the doors to stop him boarding. Former doctor Amit Patel, 37, told how he spent two hours stranded on the platform of Waterloo East station as loyal guide dog Kika led him to a series of packed commuter trains. Footage taken […]

Who are Prince Louis Arthur Charles, Prince George and Princess Charlotte named after and when did the royal baby names get announced?


KATE Middleton and Prince William have finally revealed the name of their third baby – Prince Louis Arthur Charles. With his older siblings George and Charlotte’s names announced fairly quickly, the announcement of baby Louis’ name was a little later than expected. How long did we wait to know George, Charlotte and Louis’ names? Prince […]

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Ведущие «Авторадио» исполнили в Кремле культовую песню о самой масштабной стройке XX века

Full horrifying details of the murder of OAP who was torched in the garden of her £2m home revealed for the first time


THE horrifying details of an OAP’s murder at her £2million home have been laid bare. A judge dubbed Tautvydas Narbutas, 25, “utterly revolting” after using a machete, knives and wooden stakes to kill and later desecrate Albertina Choules, 81. The Lithuanian-born killer begun his murderous rampage by climbing through an upstairs window of the £2million […]

Parents blasted lad of 11 with scalding hot water in torture campaign


A WICKED mum and dad pinned down their “quiet model student” son and blasted him with scalding hot water in a campaign of torture. The married couple, both in their 30s, turned against their 11-year-old for “unfathomable” reasons and singled him out for “vicious” punishment while doting on his siblings. He was left with an […]

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