
Новости за 15.07.2016

Starbucks customers change names to “Black Lives Matter”


SEATTLE — Some Starbucks customers have been giving their name to baristas as “Black Lives Matter” in an effort to help spread awareness of the movement. Lex Cross posted a picture of his Starbucks receipt with the name “#blacklivesmatter” on Facebook last week . The Seattle man writes in the post that he changed his

Veterans’ groups disturbed by ‘Orange is the New Black’


Leading veterans’ groups are disturbed by the way veterans hired as prison guards are portrayed in the new season of the Netflix series, “Orange is the New Black.” The veterans’ groups say they take issue with the way the new guards disparage the inmates throughout season four of the drama that takes place in a

Truck attack shows that French are not safe anywhere


PARIS — By ramming his truck into a Bastille Day celebration of liberte and fraternite, the driver delivered a murderous message for France: No matter who you are or what you’re doing, you are not safe anywhere. Not in a Paris cafe, not at a soccer match, and now, not even watching fireworks with your

Summer campers devise way to help Orlando nightclub victims


NEW YORK — The deadly nightclub shooting in Florida has inspired Broadway stars to sing in concerts, record songs and perform a few blocks from the massacre. Now there’s an online philanthropic campaign modeled on the ice bucket challenge. Staff and campers at Stagedoor Manor, the powerhouse performing arts summer camp, have made a video

Former Vanderbilt player sentenced to 15 years for dorm rape


NASHVILLE, Tenn. — A former Vanderbilt football player was sentenced Friday to 15 years in prison after he was convicted of taking part in the gang rape of an unconscious female student. Davidson County Criminal Court Judge Monte Watkins handed down the sentence for Cory Batey after the victim in the case said her life

The Latest: Burwell calls for more funding for opioid crisis


DES MOINES, Iowa — The Latest on the summer meeting of the National Governors Association in Iowa (all times local): 2:30 p.m. U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell says the Obama administration will continue lobbying Congress for more money to help states fight the opioid epidemic. Congress this week approved a bill

NY Fashion Week: Men’s wraps up third round


NEW YORK — Congrats, New York fashion world, you made it through your third stand-alone fashion week for menswear. With men’s weeks far more established in Milan and Paris, it wasn’t clear exactly how that would work in New York when the Council of Fashion Designers of America decided to try it. Though some designers

1 killed, 3 wounded at vigil for Ohio shooting victim


AKRON, Ohio — Police in Ohio say more than one person opened fire on a vigil held to remember a man slain in 2014, killing one man and wounding three other people. Akron police say a 22-year-old man was fatally shot Thursday night at the vigil for Ronnie Travis. Police say shots were fired by

Newcomers from China, Russia want a piece of aviation market


FARNBOROUGH, England — China and Russia are making their presence felt in the multibillion-dollar aviation market. With demand for single-aisle aircraft expected to grow for years to come, particularly from Asia, some experts think the new firms have a real chance at cracking the market, especially if they have the backing of their national governments.

Man charged in shooting officer’s home wants trial moved


INDIANAPOLIS — A man accused of shooting at the home of an Indianapolis police officer days after a sniper killed five Dallas police officers told a judge Friday he doesn’t believe he can get a fair trial in the Indianapolis area. March E. Ratney II, who was paroled from prison in June and whose court

Rio reviewing Olympic security after Nice attack


RIO DE JANEIRO — Brazilian authorities say the attack in Nice will make them review Olympic Games security preparations and probably increase the number of check-points in Rio de Janeiro next month. Defense Minister Raul Jungmann made the announcement on CBN radio on Friday. Jungamann regretted the possible increase of check-points will create more restrictions

Rafael Nadal on final entry list for Rio Olympics


Rafael Nadal is on the final entry list for the Rio Olympics. The 14-time major champion hasn’t played since pulling out of the French Open because of an injured left wrist and needed the International Tennis Federation’s Olympic Committee to approve his appeal because he hasn’t played Davis Cup. Nadal won the gold medal at

Homeless teen sleeps in tent after biking 6 hours to college


BARNESVILLE, Ga. — A homeless teenager found sleeping in a tent outside a Georgia college after biking six hours to get there is receiving an outpouring of help and support from across the country. Police officers discovered Fred Barley, 19, on Gordon State College campus last weekend, media outlets reported. Barley told officers that he

Froome stamps authority on day of mourning at Tour de France


LA CAVERNE DU PONT-D’ARC, France — Chris Froome and the other Tour de France leaders laid bouquets on the podium in a solemn ceremony. There were no kisses, and the usual podium celebrations. The publicity caravan which precedes the riders and blasts music, rode silently. A day after the deadly attack in Nice, France’s biggest

Review: Michael Kiwanuka’s ‘Love & Hate’ is emotional search


Michael Kiwanuka, “Love & Hate” (Interscope/Polydor) Michael Kiwanuka takes a wide-screen approach to emotional distress on “Love & Hate,” a collection of darting shadows rooted in straightforward melodies. Avoiding the sophomore slump, the Londoner’s second album benefits from the talents of producers Danger Mouse and Inflo, whose soundscapes give the sorrowful topics plenty of room.

Judge refuses to toss mom’s statement in fatal beating case


HAGERSTOWN, Md. — A western Maryland judge is refusing to throw out statements made to police by the mother of a 9-year-old boy fatally beaten over a missing piece of birthday cake. Washington County Circuit Judge Kenneth Long ruled Friday that Oriana Garcia voluntarily told police she had seen her boyfriend hit her son Jack,

Katy Perry releases ‘Rise,’ first new song since 2013


Katy Perry has released a new single that marks her first new music since her smash 2013 album, “Prism.” Perry delivers soaring vocals on the song, “Rise,” to match inspirational lyrics, which include the line, “Victory is in your veins.” The song is being released ahead of next month’s Olympics and Perry says NBC has

France’s truck attack marks deadly twist in Europe


LONDON — France’s deadly truck attack marks a frightening new reality in Europe: assailants turning to an ever-expanding arsenal to carry out violence that is becoming harder to predict or prevent. Europe is no stranger to such bloodshed, but Thursday’s death toll of at least 84 people represented one of the deadliest vehicle attacks in

Terre haute probationary officer arrested for air base DUI


TERRE HAUTE, Ind. — A probationary Terre Haute police officer has been arrested for drunken driving after his vehicle went through the front gate at an Indiana National Air Guard base. The (Terre Haute) Tribune-Star reports (http://bit.ly/2afVwzT ) that 24-year-old Joseph R. Brentlinger III was arrested early Friday at Hulman Field. Terre Haute Police Department

Музыкальные новости

Певец Юрий Лоза поддержал сокращение гонораров артистов из бюджета

Персональные новости

Исторический провал нищего «Зенита». Спасти клуб из Петербурга после позора смог только Собчак

Sheriff: Naked couple arrested on stolen lawn mower


JOPLIN, Mo. — Authorities have arrested a couple accused of riding naked on a stolen lawn mower in Missouri. Jasper County sheriff’s Det. Tim Williams said a 55-year-old man and a 40-year-old woman admitted that they rode the lawn mower home naked after their clothing was stolen while they skinny dipped in a creek northwest

Much of Northeast US experiencing drought conditions


BOSTON — Federal authorities say much of the Northeast is experiencing drought conditions, with sections of New York and Massachusetts among the driest. The U.S. Drought Monitor said Thursday that western New York, the state’s Finger Lakes region, as well as much of central and northeastern Massachusetts are experiencing severe drought conditions. The severe conditions

Olympics marketers go for the gold


NEW YORK — Prepare to be inspired. After all, it’s Olympic ad time. Olympics marketers from Coca-Cola to Samsung are pulling out all the stops this summer, stuffing scores of athletes into ads and telling tearjerker stories. Coke’s ads play on “gold” moments when athletes have a Coke together. An ad for Samsung shows the

Lawyer: Man charged in 5 bicyclist deaths didn’t intend harm


KALAMAZOO, Mich. — A defense lawyer says a man accused of killing five people by plowing his speeding pickup truck into a group of Michigan bicyclists hadn’t intended to harm them. The comment from lawyer Alan Koenig followed the release this week of police reports saying 50-year-old Charles Pickett Jr. had taken pain pills and

Person detained in probe of San Diego homeless attacks


SAN DIEGO — San Diego police have detained a person in the investigation of attacks on homeless men that have left three dead. Capt. David Nisleit tells KNSD-TV (http://bit.ly/29DwrxF ) that the person was detained early Friday after a new attack on a sleeping man. Officers responding to screams found a 55-year-old man with significant

Tennis star Azarenka pregnant, plans to resume career


Two-time Grand Slam champion Victoria Azarenka says she is pregnant and plans to resume her career after the baby is born. The 26-year-old Azarenka posted a letter on her Twitter account Friday saying that when she was recovering from the knee injury that kept her out of Wimbledon, she and her boyfriend learned they were

Спорт в России и мире

"Спартак" разгромил "Акрон" с Дзюбой в составе


Все новости спорта сегодня

Новости тенниса

Денис Шаповалов стал чемпионом турнира ATP-250 в Белграде


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Экология в России и мире

Монте Альба – гипсовая плитка для интерьера и строительства

Путин в России и мире

Чеченские СМИ сообщили о встрече Путина с Ирасхановым

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

В Киеве отреагировали на отказ Зеленского от предложения Орбана

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Лиза Василенко дала понять, что происходит в ее отношениях с Моргенштерном* на фоне слухов о расставании


Власти Руанды заявили, что положительно отнеслись к созданию и расширению БРИКС

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