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Новости за 18.03.2016

Now captured, Abdeslam traveled Europe before Paris attacks


BRUSSELS, Belgium - Salah Abdeslam, the Belgian-born Frenchman who was arrested Friday in a police raid in Brussels' Molenbeek neighborhood, had crisscrossed central and southern Europe before taking part in the Paris terror attacks - then going on the lam as Europe's most-wanted fugitive.

Tribune: Concerns over bid for California paper 'antiquated'


SANTA ANA, California - The Tribune Publishing Co. says federal regulators suing over its proposed purchase of bankrupt Orange County Register and another newspaper have an antiquated understanding of the industry in the digital age.

Trump intermingling business with politics as he campaigns


WEST PALM BEACH, Florida - Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump appeared to be wrapping up a victory speech at his sprawling Mar-a-Lago club earlier this week when he turned to the negative ads flooding the airwaves against him.

NY foster parent charged with sexually abusing boys, dog


MINEOLA, New York - A suburban New York foster parent who cared for up to 140 boys over the past two decades has been charged with sexually abusing seven of them and prosecutors say there are more victims.

Virginia man pleads guilty in attempt to join Islamic State


ALEXANDRIA, Virginia - A northern Virginia man admitted Friday that he attempted to join the Islamic State, going so far as to check in at the airport on a flight to Jordan before being arrested in what turned out to be a sting operation.

Paris attack cell stretched from Europe to Syria and back


PARIS - Police, prosecutors, friends, families and acquaintances have unveiled details about the men who carried out the Nov. 13 attacks in Paris. Altogether, authorities say that three teams participated in the bloody assault. Here is a look at what we know about the suspects:

Johnson Controls CEO pushes back against Hillary Clinton ad


MILWAUKEE - The chief executive of a Wisconsin company that came under fire from Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for planning to shift its corporate headquarters to Ireland said Friday that the tax savings didn't drive the deal.

Judge: Officials must decide on 1982 citizenship request


HARTFORD, Connecticut - A federal judge in Connecticut has ordered immigration officials to decide on a 1982 citizenship request by a man who was deported to Italy in 2011 because of misdemeanor convictions.

Indianapolis airport board cancels proposed $500M project


INDIANAPOLIS - The Indianapolis International Airport board cancelled a proposed $500 million medical center and sports venue project Friday amid pressure from community leaders worried about the developer's ability to pull off the massive project.

Report: New Orleans jail inmates in 'significant danger'


NEW ORLEANS - Inmates and staff at the New Orleans jail "remain in significant danger" at the violent lockup, court-appointed experts said Friday in a report that says reforms have stalled under Sheriff Marlin Gusman.

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Fourteen at nuke base probed for illegal drug activity


WASHINGTON - Fourteen members of an Air Force unit responsible for guarding nuclear missiles in Wyoming, Colorado and Nebraska are under investigation for possible illegal drug activity, including cases involving cocaine use, defense officials said Friday.

Starwood takes improved bid from Anbang


NEW YORK - Starwood called off a $12.2 billion buyout agreement with Marriott in favor of an offer from a group of investors led by the Chinese insurance company Anbang.

Ex-state senator runs for former seat while on probation


COLUMBIA, South Carolina - A former South Carolina senator who resigned amid an ethics investigation, pleaded guilty to misconduct in office and now faces a probation violation charge is seeking his old Senate seat.

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Экология в России и мире

Прокуратура Москвы: тело мужчины нашли в лесопарке в Сокольниках

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