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Новости за 20.02.2016

LIU Brooklyn beats Saint Francis (Pa.) 94-89 in overtime


LORETTO, Pennsylvania - Martin Hermannsson scored seven of his 25 points and Aakim Saintil five of his 20 in overtime to lead LIU Brooklyn to a 94-89 victory over Saint Francis (Pa.) on Saturday.

Judge refuses to alter veteran's sentence in fatal crash


HOLLIDAYSBURG, Pennsylvania - A judge in central Pennsylvania refused to modify the sentence he imposed in a fatal crash, including provisions that the defendant carry the victim's picture and place flowers on her grave.

London Fashion Week: Disco at Sibling, '60s at Wickstead


LONDON - London Fashion Week swung into its second day Saturday, with models showcasing an array of new season styles from designers including Sibling, Simone Rocha, Emilia Wickstead, Jasper Conran and Julien Macdonald.

Albania president sparks a governing crisis


TIRANA, Albania - President Bujar Nishani has asked Albanian Constitutional Court's opinion on the nomination of Cabinet ministers, a move that may spark a governing crisis.

Priest who defied pope, Fernando Cardenal, dies at 82


MANAGUA, Nicaragua - Fernando Cardenal, one of the priests who famously rebuffed a papal order to quit Nicaragua's leftist Sandinista government, died in Managua on Saturday. He was 82 and long back in the good graces of the church.

Indiana House committee tosses hate-crimes bill


INDIANAPOLIS - Legislation creating the state's first hate-crime law to help victims targeted because of their race, sexual identity, religion or other specified characteristic is expected to die because it won't get a committee hearing in the House, leaving lawmakers few options to address civil rights this year.

States seek private financial help to fix social problems


HARTFORD, Connecticut - A growing number of states and local governments are turning to an unconventional method of financing possible fixes to big social problems, motivated by tight budgets and little incentive to take a chance on initiatives without a guarantee of results.

Ski lift malfunctions at Tucker County resort


DAVIS, West Virginia - Authorities say a ski lift malfunctioned at a resort in West Virginia, temporarily stranding about 100 skiers and injuring two of them.

Музыкальные новости
Александр Градский

В Москве семью композитора Градского обязали убрать его машины с парковки концертного зала

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C. African Republic: Ex-PM Touadera wins presidential vote


BANGUI, Central African Republic - A former prime minister who placed second in the first round of balloting has won Central African Republic's presidential runoff vote, the national election body announced Saturday, and he inherits the enormous task of trying to restore order in a country where heavily armed rebel groups still control large swaths of territory.

Turkey insists Syrian Kurdish militia behind Ankara attack


ANKARA, Turkey - Turkey's prime minister has dismissed a Turkey-based Kurdish militant group's claim of responsibility for an attack in Ankara that killed 28 people, insisting it was carried out by a U.S.-backed Syrian Kurdish militia group.

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Московские школьники стали победителями всероссийской олимпиады по математике


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Учения по ликвидации лесных пожаров прошли в Богородском округе

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Путин поздравил Леонида Рошаля с днем рождения

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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Басманный суд Москвы арестовал продюсера Reuters Константина Габова за помощь ФБК в подготовке материалов

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Трасса между Петербургом и Москвой парализована: Массовое ДТП, есть пострадавшие

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