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Новости за 19.01.2016

Super Bowl tailgate of 2 cities: San Francisco, Santa Clara


SAN FRANCISCO - Super Bowl 50 will be a tailgate of two cities. The fan village and other activities are set in San Francisco, but the game will be played about 40 miles south in Santa Clara, home to Levi's Stadium and the San Francisco 49ers (though the 49ers will not be playing in the Feb. 7 championship).

2 NC sheriff's deputies shoot, kill man wielding knife


STATESVILLE, North Carolina - North Carolina authorities say two sheriff's deputies shot and killed a man who came at them with a knife after they attempted to serve him an eviction notice.

Michigan governor expected to devote speech to water crisis


LANSING, Michigan - Only a year ago, Rick Snyder began his second term as Michigan governor promoting the same achievements that had propelled him to victory in 2014: The state was at last in the midst of an economic comeback, and Detroit had emerged from bankruptcy.

Yemeni defendant pleads guilty in New York to terror charges


NEW YORK - An al-Qaida member from Yemen pleaded guilty on Tuesday to U.S. terrorism charges that included accusations he helped an American recruit join the terrorist group, clearing the way for the New York native to hatch a plot against the Long Island Rail Road.

Woman found dead, son frostbitten after 3-day Wyoming search


CHEYENNE, Wyoming - Sheriff's officials found a woman dead of exposure and her teenage son suffering from frostbite Tuesday, ending a three-day search for a family of three that went missing while snowmobiling in the Medicine Bow Mountains.

Olympic golf test event needs players in Rio


HONOLULU - With golf joining the Olympics for the first time since 1904, the PGA Tour is trying to put together a test event for the new course in Rio de Janeiro.

Ethan Couch's lawyer: Teen may be in Mexico against his will


FORT WORTH, Texas - Lawyers in the U.S. for a Texas teenager known for using an "affluenza" defense in a fatal drunken-driving wreck said Tuesday that the 18-year-old is dropping his deportation fight in Mexico as they investigate whether he willingly fled the country.

Serenity Now: Chinese Garden at SoCal's Huntington Library


SAN MARINO, California - On a typical day at the Chinese Garden at the Huntington Library in San Marino, the smell of flowers - jasmine, camellias - floats across the garden's man-made lake in the center, flanked by limestone rocks, airy pavilions and hand-carved bridges.

Colombia, rebels request UN monitor ceasefire


HAVANA - Colombia's government and the country's largest rebel group marked another milestone in their rapidly advancing peace talks Tuesday, jointly requesting that the United Nations establish an international observer mission to monitor a disarmament process that could end in a matter of weeks Latin America's longest-running guerrilla conflict.

Музыкальные новости

Вывод Песни, Альбома, Клипа в ТОП Музыкальных Чартов – iTunes, Apple Music, Youtube Music, Яндекс.Музыка, ВК и Boom, Spotify.

Персональные новости

Apple возобновляет переговоры с OpenAI о внедрении функций ИИ в iPhone

Demolition begins on Florida mansion owned by Pablo Escobar


MIAMI BEACH, Florida - A vestige of the drug wars that made Miami notorious for violence and smuggling in the 1980s is being razed, with its new owners anxiously sifting through the wreckage for any last traces of the reign of Pablo Escobar.

Dad takes plea deal in Detroit boy-in-basement case


DETROIT - A Detroit man whose missing son was found in the basement after a highly publicized 11-day search pleaded guilty Tuesday to misdemeanor child abuse, closing a case that began more than 18 months with torture allegations involving a plastic pipe.

Taiwan party that won election wants US help with China


WASHINGTON - Taiwan's new government will carefully manage relations with mainland China and wants Washington to keep encouraging reconciliation, a senior official of the victorious party said Tuesday.

Nigerian villagers: Cameroon troops are killing civilians


ABUJA, Nigeria - Cameroonian troops pursuing Boko Haram fired rocket-propelled grenades indiscriminately that killed a family of four, then shot and killed two other civilians, trapped Nigerian villagers said Tuesday.

Спорт в России и мире

Юные керамисты школы №2120 выиграли три Гран-при конкурса «Мир дому твоему!»


Все новости спорта сегодня

Новости тенниса

Вероника Кудерметова завершила выступление на турнире WTA в Мадриде


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Экология в России и мире

Жёсткие экологические требования решат инновационные энерготехнологии

Путин в России и мире

Педагогов Калмыкии приглашают принять участие в Форуме классных руководителей

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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Анастасия Волочкова

Волочкова оправдалась за слитые в сеть снимки: «Ничем никого не удивишь»


Более 14 тысяч школьников Ступино приняло участие в Дне добрых дел

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