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Something Else (Cartoon)

The Moderate Voice 

The post Something Else (Cartoon) appeared first on The Moderate Voice.

Trump trial reveals details about how the former president thinks about, and exploits, the media

The Moderate Voice 

Donald Trump enters the Manhattan Criminal Court for more of his trial, on April 25, 2024. Spencer Platt/Getty Images Karrin Vasby Anderson, Colorado State University and Tim Bakken, United States Military Academy West Point The first week of testimony is winding down in former President Donald Trump’s trial in New York City on charges that […]

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“You people are fascists!” Atlanta policeman throws Emory economics professor to the ground during Thursday protest (updated)

The Moderate Voice 

A CNN crew filmed an Atlanta policeman throwing Emory University economics professor Caroline Fohlin to the ground. Her crime? Four officers were piled onto a slight woman. One officer had pressed her head to the ground with his knee. Then he put his hand on her neck, with who knows how much weight. She cried […]

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MAGA Enquirer (Cartoon, Column and Video)

The Moderate Voice 

There have been a lot of pecker jokes going around with David Pecker, former publisher of the National Enquirer, testifying in the Trump hush-money trial. But I got over all the penis jokes in 2018 when it was first revealed that the National Enquirer was engaging in what they called catch-and-kill journalism. I use the […]

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The Moderate Voice 

The post HUMAN SHIELD (CARTOON) appeared first on The Moderate Voice.

Trump’s immunity arguments at Supreme Court highlight dangers – while prosecutors stress larger danger of removing legal accountability

The Moderate Voice 

A view of the Supreme Court on April 25, 2024, when justices heard arguments about immunity involving former President Donald Trump. Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images Claire B. Wofford, College of Charleston The U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments on April 25, 2024, in a case that will change the course of American history. That […]

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Is Donald Trump shrinking?

The Moderate Voice 

Is Donald Trump shrinking before our eyes? As he continues his criminal trial known as the “hush-money” or “election interference” trial, photos emerge of an angry, tired looking or napping Trump – who will later emerge and denounce the judge or the court room thermostat. There’s seemingly a growing consensus among many print and broadcast […]

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The Moderate Voice 

SEND IN THE CLOWNS If this isn’t about the Republicans, what is? It’s really a theatre reference. When a show is failing, they send in the clowns to distract. Entertain. Think about it. If the shoe fits…there really is hope for this sad, angry group of failures. No rehearsal necessary. A One-Act Show. Clowns. There’s […]

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