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The Daily Universe: BYU Basketball

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UN Special Rapporteur advises law graduates to keep the pursuit of justice at the center of their lives 

The Daily Universe: BYU Basketball 

Dr. Nazila Ghanea, a professor at Oxford University and United Nations Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief, encouraged J. Reuben Clark Law School graduates this week to focus their lives on justice.  “Law serves the pursuit of justice,” she said at Thursday’s convocation, held at the BYU Music Building’s concert hall. “It is […]

Busy first week for Kevin Young and BYU Basketball

The Daily Universe: BYU Basketball 

Kevin Young’s busy first week It has been quite an eventful first week for the new BYU head coach, Kevin Young. Young is currently still an assistant coach for the Phoenix Suns, who are down 0-2 in their series against the Minnesota Timberwolves. Even with his busy NBA schedule, Young has been busy getting things […]

Elder Gerrit W. Gong invites graduates to become their “best BYU selves”

The Daily Universe: BYU Basketball 

Thousands of BYU graduates and their loved ones filed into the Marriott Center Thursday to honor the graduates’ hard work. The commencement celebrated 7,198 degrees awarded to BYU students, according to University Communications. Of those degrees, 5,820 were bachelor’s degrees, 1,095 were master’s degrees, and 283 were doctoral degrees. All 50 states were represented, as […]

Draft Day: An inside look at agents and the NFL Draft

The Daily Universe: BYU Basketball 

Draft Day: An inside look at agents and the NFL Draft The NFL draft is a pivotal moment for hundreds of prospects – a launching pad for their professional careers. Hearing their name called, even as a 7th-round pick, is often the culmination of years of hard work and preparation.  This year, there are 257 […]

Jaxson Robinson: My BYU basketball story

The Daily Universe: BYU Basketball 

Jaxson Robinson: My BYU basketball story After completing my freshman and sophomore years at Texas A&M and Arkansas, I found myself in the transfer portal for the second time in my early collegiate career. I was looking for a new opportunity where I could develop myself as a player and a person. After having conversations […]

Former no. 2 draft pick, Zach Wilson, traded to Denver

The Daily Universe: BYU Basketball 

Former no. 2 draft pick, Zach Wilson, traded to Denver The second overall pick of the 2021 NFL draft’s time with the Jets has come to an end. After three rocky years playing in New York, Zach Wilson has been traded to the Denver Broncos for a sixth round pick in this year’s NFL draft. […]

Big performances, big announcements: Unforum 2024

The Daily Universe: BYU Basketball 

At BYU's Annual Unforum on Tuesday, April 16, students watched performances and heard from President C. Shane Reese, who announced the official hire of BYU's new men's basketball head coach.

How BYU basketball landed one of the NBA’s best assistants

The Daily Universe: BYU Basketball 

How BYU basketball landed one of the NBA’s best assistants When BYU sought a replacement for Mark Pope, Kevin Young was not the expected successor. But BYU swung for the fences and hit it out of the park when Young agreed to be BYU’s next head coach. Who is Kevin Young? Born in Salt Lake […]

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