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Новости за 02.04.2024

Elon Musk confirms Grok-1.5 chatbot will launch next week


Elon Musk announced his xAI company will upgrade its AI chatbot Grok next week. He said on X, “Grok 2 should exceed current AI on all metrics.”  Despite his statement, the AI bot’s upcoming version is 1.5. The official page claims “Grok-1.5 comes with improved reasoning capabilities and a context length of 128,000 tokens.”  According

How to find your Wi-Fi password


The Internet has become an integral part of daily life, so it’s not surprising that many people want to maintain online connectivity even while with friends and family. People would always seek the inevitable Wi-Fi password when visiting other people’s homes or when in hotels, restaurants, and other establishments. Fortunately, Android and iOS can make

Robotaxis soon to drive around NYC


Most people know New York City as the “concrete jungle” in Jay-Z’s song “Empire State of Mind.” Others recognize it as the “Big Apple” or the “City that Never Sleeps.”  Soon, people may recognize it as one of the first US cities to adopt driverless vehicles. Mayor Eric Adams says he will allow driverless technology

How to recover deleted Facebook posts


Many young adults may not remember what it was like to keep physical photo albums. Nowadays, people capture memories and save them on social media programs like Facebook. However, folks may accidentally erase precious memories from their social platforms. Fortunately, there are some ways to recover discarded Facebook posts.  READ: How to delete your Facebook

LinkedIn video feature mixes TikTok and a job portal


For better or worse, TikTok has become a major part of life for millions of people. It enables more people to share their experiences and abilities with the world, changing how they create and appreciate content.  But it seems it will transform an unlikely industry shortly: job seeking – with the world-famous job application platform

OpenAI Voice Engine clones voices from 15-second clips


OpenAI sparked the artificial intelligence revolution through its text-generating program ChatGPT. However, generative AI development has gone beyond making words as other AI projects focus on audio statements based on cloned voices. Recently, OpenAI teased its Voice Engine tool in a blog post which said that it uses “text input and a single 15-second audio

Android 15’s upcoming features and release date


Android is the most popular mobile phone operating system in the world and its updates impact billions of people worldwide. Fortunately, Google is dedicated to improving user experience by giving its operating system new capabilities. At the time of writing, the company hasn’t specified a release date for Android 15, the latest version. However, Google

Google Instrument Playground lets users make 20-second tune


Most may remember playing musical instruments when they were young. However, many forego the hobby as time passes, so it becomes difficult to find people who can play multiple.  Fortunately, Google lets everyone try what it would be like to create music with several musical instruments with its latest experiment: Instrument Playground.  Google Arts &

OpenAI shows third-party content made with Sora AI


OpenAI changed the world when it released its AI program ChatGPT, encouraging the world to integrate artificial intelligence (AI) into products and services to gain powerful benefits.  However, OpenAI is not done innovating as it teased its text-to-video chatbot Sora. It hasn’t opened public access at the time of writing, but it posted demonstrations recently.

Gmail anniversary mistaken for April Fool’s joke


People in many countries observe April Fool’s Day on April 1 by playing pranks on each other. History.com says it originated in France in 1582 when France switched from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar. Google co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page are fond of this holiday, so they have been posting several online

Google search gains new AI features


Google has been promoting its AI as a digital assistant. For example, open Google Lens, and it will help people search translations for foreign sign posts. On March 27, the company doubled down on turning artificial intelligence (AI) into a nifty travel aid by giving it more features. Now, the tech giant’s AI can help

AI officers required for US federal agencies


Governments did not have laws specifically for artificial intelligence (AI) when ChatGPT came out. Eventually, authorities learned of its potential benefits and risks, so they’ve implemented AI regulations.  The US government took precautionary measures to the next level by requiring federal agencies to assign AI officers. Vice President Kamala Harris announced AI leaders are important

Bird flu found in cows for the first time


Ask anyone what they know about bird flu, and the most common answer would be that it comes from birds, hence the name.  Surprisingly, that changed for the first time as cows from the United States tested positive for highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) from the H5N1 virus.  However, the US Department of Agriculture said:

Sam Altman says nuclear fusion could support future AI


Many worry about artificial intelligence’s potential to take over millions of jobs and intellectual properties. Sometimes, people neglect its other troubling issue: its carbon footprint.  The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development reports that AI models have a massive, detrimental impact on the environment.  READ: US nuclear fusion lab achieves net energy gain Fortunately, Sam

Claude beats ChatGPT in AI rankings for the first time


OpenAI sparked the global AI revolution with ChatGPT in November 2022. Consequently, we have more people creating new types of AI chatbots, expanding what artificial intelligence can do for us.  Surprisingly, the AI trend enabled competitors to rise against ChatGPT. For the first time, one succeeded, according to the LMSYS Chatbot Arena. Claude 3 Opus,

Melting ice caps may change how we track time


What are some of the things we believe are constant? Most may answer that the sun will rise and set. After all, that’s how we track time worldwide. However, timekeeping will soon change as the Earth has been rotating faster for decades. Believe it or not, it’s because of melting ice caps! READ: Arctic ice

Study says plants emit sounds when injured


Many turn to plant-based diets to avoid hurting animals for their food. However, a recent study shows that plants can also “scream” due to stress and injury! Tel Aviv University researchers discovered that plants communicate distress to their surroundings by emitting signals too subtle for human hearing.  READ: How to edit TikTok videos The sounds

ChatGPT access is now available without an account


Most modern technologies focus on delivering services faster than ever. For example, online banking apps let people complete transactions faster than credit cards, which used to be the most convenient option. Artificial intelligence is heading in this direction as OpenAI announced it will let everyone use ChatGPT without making an account.  READ: The real-life applications

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Личка — о самой дорогой покупке в Москве: два дня назад решил купить самокат за 60 тысяч рублей


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Путин в России и мире

Президент России Владимир Путин подтвердил проведение XVI Международного военно-музыкального фестиваля «Спасская башня»

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

«Набей им морду, покажи им, что ты настоящий белорус». Лукашенко о поездке спортсменов на Олимпиаду

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Концерт «7 хитов И.С.Баха» в Эрмитажном театре


В подмосковном Королеве произошел пожар в промзоне

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