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Новости за 14.11.2018

Vice President Pence gives some tough love to Aung San Suu Kyi

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It wasn't your typical bilateral meeting here at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations summit, as U.S. Vice President Mike Pence called upon Myanmar's civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi to pardon two Reuters journalists imprisoned in Myanmar and to protect the Rohingya, Muslim victims of a brutal ethnic-cleansing campaign by the Myanmar military.

'Bill Clinton should want to apologize': Monica Lewinsky opens up about scandal

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Monica Lewinsky, a former White House intern who infamously had an affair with former President Bill Clinton, wrote that she was interviewed for a documentary called "The Clinton Affair" for more than 20 hours, a process that required her to recall memories she wishes she could erase.

Hurricane Michael strains resources in Florida Panhandle

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Devastation left by Hurricane Michael in Florida’s Panhandle last month evoked comparisons to Hurricane Andrew in South Florida 26 years earlier, but business experts don’t expect Michael’s aftermath to be nearly as disruptive beyond the destruction zone.

The person to shape Japan's cybersecurity doesn't use computers

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Japan is in the midst of revising its cybersecurity laws ahead of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games. However, a Cabinet minister who is supposed to be shaping these laws made a surprising admission this week: He doesn't use a computer.

'The Fuhrer's child': How Hitler came to adore a girl with Jewish roots

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The little girl was so adored by Adolf Hitler that his personal photographer frequently snapped pictures of the two them holding hands, exchanging kisses on the cheek, or just smiling at each other. Hitler refused to cut off contact with her even after he was told she had a Jewish grandmother.

Tough talk, tough women: New House members come together to form 'The Badasses'

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Last week, a record-breaking 102 women were elected to the House of Representatives. That historic number includes a handful of female veterans and other service candidates, many of whom befriended each other on the campaign trail, fundraised together and ultimately dubbed themselves “The Badasses.”

Navy proposes tripling amount of SEAL training in Hawaiian Islands

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Naval Special Warfare plans to triple the amount of small-unit intermediate and advanced training conducted by SEALs and other special operations forces on non-federal lands in Hawaii, with overall training expanding from Oahu and Hawaii island to Kauai, Maui, Molokai and Lanai.

Congress likely to shelve new Russia sanctions as clock runs out

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Congress isn't expected to pass legislation ordering new U.S. sanctions on Russia before the end of the year, as lawmakers focus instead on government spending measures, judicial nominations and a farm bill, key senators said.

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