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Новости за 15.09.2018

'Will I come back dead?' Human costs of South African gold

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After more than two decades of improving mine safety since the end of apartheid, South Africa's progress has stalled with an increase in gold-mining deaths. More than 50 people have died in the country's mines in 2018.

There's an inflation crisis brewing in the Philippines

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Filipinos queuing for hours to buy cheap rice from the government. Families eating fewer meals a day to save money. Locals venting their anger against President Rodrigo Duterte on social media.

Gambling on Ronaldo and Madonna made this man a billionaire

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Tsuyoshi Matsushita didn't know Cristiano Ronaldo or Madonna at all, but he somehow got in touch with them and persuaded them to be the faces of his products. By doing so, the Japanese entrepreneur built his company into a $2.3 billion firm.

Rebellion boils as Cameroon's president seeks to extend rule

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While President Paul Biya appears to be a shoo-in to extend his 36-year rule in elections next month, he's had no success in stifling a rebellion in Anglophone regions that's threatening to split the mainly French-speaking central African nation.

With wider crackdowns on religion, Xi's China seeks to put state stamp on faith

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Instead of having 1,300 or so congregants pack into their usual space in northern Beijing, the members of the church will walk the streets in small groups, listening to a downloaded sermon on their cellphones. Pastor Jin Mingri was forced to disseminate his sermon this way after the Chinese authorities shut down his church earlier this week, declaring it illegal.

A second front in the immigration 'resistance'

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When it comes to fighting the Trump administration's immigration policies, California has two "resistances." There's the official one, conducted by politicians, that includes the state's landmark "sanctuary" law. Then there's the unofficial resistance, which includes people like Ann and Kent Moriarty.

SHAPE edges ISB to get into the win column

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Matthew Owen produced one of the most impressive quarterback performances of the season for SHAPE, completing 19 passes on 31 attempts for 202 yards and two touchdowns.

US expresses little concern after closing of anti-corruption body in Guatemala

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A robust anti-corruption agency was created 12 years ago in Guatemala with strong U.S. support. The Commission Against Impunity has prosecuted and jailed a former president, vice president, and hundreds of corrupt police officials, politicians and businessmen. But Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales announced on Aug. 31 that he was shutting the acclaimed commission.

Trump hits back at Stormy Daniels' claim he should remain party in her hush-money lawsuit

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Stormy Daniels is free to talk, so President Donald Trump should be free to walk, his lawyer said in a court filing Friday, claiming that Daniels was wrong to argue earlier this week she still deserves her day in court against both the president and his former fixer Michael Cohen even though they agreed to drop a multimillion-dollar arbitration action against her.

Facing heat for 2017, FEMA ramps up hurricane preparation for Florence

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With questions still swirling about its response last year to Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, the Trump administration doesn't appear to have taken any chances in its preparations for Hurricane Florence, which made landfall early Friday morning on Wrightsville Beach in North Carolina.

Saints go marching through Sentinels

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The visiting Saints scored 14 points in each of the first and fourth quarters to bookend their comprehensive win.

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Early season showdown goes Royals' way

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The rematch of last year’s Division I championship game turned into a romp for the host Ramstein Royals, who routed the Panthers 41-19 to earn a measure of revenge for Stuttgart’s 2017 title win.

Typhoon 26W (Mangkhut), # 31 FINAL

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Mangkhut remains a massive storm, Gale Signal 8 remains raised for Hong Kong, but storm is over land now and will weaken.

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Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о Всероссийском конкурсе спортивных проектов «Ты в игре»


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«Набей им морду, покажи им, что ты настоящий белорус». Лукашенко о поездке спортсменов на Олимпиаду

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