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Новости за 18.02.2018

JROTC leader shocked that accused school shooter one of his own

Stars and Stripes 

The sound of gunfire still ringing in his ears after his mad half-mile sprint, Jack Ciaramello was standing with friends in a grocery store parking lot when a sheriff's deputy approached. He asked the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High senior if he knew a former student named Nikolas Cruz.

Learning to love the brutality, excitement of 'Kingdom Come: Deliverance'

Stars and Stripes 

“Kingdom Come” is unlike any other RPG made. While plenty of RPGs have paid lip service to realism, almost all of them eventually have veered in magic, prophecies about the Chosen One or some other such nonsense. “Deliverance” offers no such tomfoolery and replaces it with chores, learning how to read and getting your ass kicked. Constantly.

Vance AFB graduates 2,000th pilot since 9/11

Stars and Stripes 

The benchmark was achieved with the graduation of 23 pilots in Specialized Undergraduate Pilot Training Class 18-05, the latest members of the military to join a fight that's gone for more than 16 years.

Clear favorites separate themselves before tourneys begin

Stars and Stripes 

The DODEA-Europe boys basketball title reigns of Ramstein, Black Forest Academy and Sigonella are at risk this week as the four-day European basketball championships play out at sites around Wiesbaden, Germany. The tournament opens Wednesday and concludes with a slate of divisional championship games Saturday at Clay Kaserne Fitness Center.

Starved and abandoned, a suburb of the Syrian capital is bracing for new attacks

Stars and Stripes 

As the opposition's last bastion at the edge of Damascus, Eastern Ghouta has been cut off from the world. United Nations aid convoys visit rarely. A blitz by Syrian government warplanes early this month killed at least 210 people and sent hundreds more pouring into what remains of a buckling hospital network.

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Александр Розенбаум

«Посмотрите на этих губастых»: Розенбаум разгромил любителей пластики

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Александр Куратов

Военные следователи провели в Судаке проверку лиц, не вставших на воинский учет

Funeral held for US soldier from Ghana killed in Bronx fire

Stars and Stripes 

New York's Roman Catholic Archbishop Timothy Dolan celebrated the funeral Mass for an Army National Guard soldier and native of Ghana who died while rescuing some of more than a dozen people trapped in the deadliest fire in the city in about a quarter of a century.

Helicopter on quake mission flips in Mexico, killing 13 on ground

Stars and Stripes 

A military helicopter carrying officials who were assessing damage from a powerful earthquake flipped as it was attempting to land in southern Mexico, crashing on top of people who had fled their homes and were spending the night outside. Thirteen people were killed — the only known fatalities related to the quake — and 16 were injured.

Copter on quake mission flips in Mexico, killing 13 on ground

Stars and Stripes 

A military helicopter carrying officials who were assessing damage from a powerful earthquake flipped as it was attempting to land in southern Mexico, crashing on top of people who had fled their homes and were spending the night outside. Thirteen people were killed — the only known fatalities related to the quake — and 16 were injured.

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В Московской области прошел чемпионат Центрального округа Росгвардии по стрельбе из боевого ручного стрелкового оружия


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Александр Розенбаум рассказал о дополнительном источнике дохода: "Не бомжовые заведения"


Проспект «Красноярский рабочий» перекроют для репетиции шествия ко Дню Победы на час позже

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