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Новости за 12.07.2016

Ivan Reitman to the 'Ghostbusters' haters: Wait and see

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Paul Feig’s new “Ghostbusters” movie has been one of the most scrutinized of the year, with a flood of pre-release debate over the need for an update. Then there’s that much-disliked trailer.

Animation’s secret weapon: Q&A with 'Secret Life of Pets' voice all-star Jenny Slate

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Before most people could recognize Jenny Slate’s face, they knew her voice. Because before she appeared on “Girls” or “Parks and Recreation” or “House of Cards” or starred in “Obvious Child,” it was her animated short “Marcel the Shell With the Shoes On” that endeared her to fans. In the 2010 viral hit, Slate gave voice to a bashful shell who sounded like a whiny baby but was somehow still adorabl

Review: 'Ghostbusters’ reboot is a hoot

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Much of the conversation around the gender-swapped remake of “Ghostbusters” has been protests from (mostly) male fans of the original, who don’t want to see women in the roles popularized by Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray, Harold Ramis and Ernie Hudson in the 1984 original. But what’s the fun in re-creating a direct facsimile of a piece of art or entertainment? This version, directed by Paul Feig, written with Katie Dippold, starring Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones, proves... Читать дальше...

Review: Bryan Cranston entertains with dangerous spy game in 'The Infiltrator'

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Bryan Cranston is an actor, you know what I mean? Capital A. He relishes the work, probably because it took him a decade or two, pre-"Breaking Bad," to snag the roles he deserved. (Guest stints on "CHiPs" and "Hill Street Blues" came a long time ago.) With that voice of steel and a face that can go from hangdog to top dog in 0.3 seconds flat, Cranston is gleefully capable of chewing scenery with the best of them -- I believe he's still picking little bits of "Trumbo" out of his teeth -- but at this busy point in his career... Читать дальше...

French state found liable for man's death in Toulouse attack

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A French court has found the state responsible for the death of a soldier murdered by an Islamic radical who killed seven people in attacks on a Jewish school and French paratroopers in the Toulouse region in 2012.

Ex-Gen. Kelly to top brass: Stay out of the 'cesspool of domestic politics'

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To retired Gen. John Kelly and many other current and former military, the brass who are weighing in on the 2016 campaign with critiques or endorsements are breaking down a sacred wall between the military and civilian politics that helps maintain the "tell it like it is" integrity of one of the most trusted institutions in the United States.

A Trump-Flynn matchup could be complicated by party politics

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In some ways, the tough-talking general could make an ideal running mate for Trump. The two men speak with one voice against President Barack Obama's approach to the Islamic State group and the need for tighter border security. If only it were that simple.

Arlington, Holocaust Museum: Stop catching Pokemon here

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The Holocaust Museum, along with many other landmarks, is a "PokéStop" within the game — a place where players can get free in-game items. There are three PokéStops associated with various parts of the museum.

Inside look at US-led coalition's deadliest single attack on Islamic State

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It was an unprecedented opportunity. The Islamic State had learned to avoid massing in large numbers to avoid airstrikes by the U.S.-led coalition. Now the militants were clustered in a traffic jam south of the city in what appeared to be a panicked retreat from Fallujah.

Музыкальные новости

Смешарики и «Академия Эстрада Тинс» выпустили трек «Попурри»

Персональные новости

Театра кукол «Ульгэр» в Улан-Удэ проводит етс фотосессию детям

Conflict destroyed factories, damaged Yemen economy

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Businesses worth millions of dollars have sustained major destruction in Yemen's year-long conflict either by the Saudi-led coalition targeting Shiite rebels or ground fighting and random shelling by the rival parties, an international rights group said Monday.

Iranian ships approach US vessel carrying CENTCOM chief

Stars and Stripes 

Gen. Joseph Votel, who oversees U.S. Central Command, was on board the USS New Orleans as five Iranian vessels — four fast inland attack craft and one larger fast attack craft — approached the New Orleans and guided-missile destroyer USS Stout.

Oldest, youngest voters may decide election

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Can Hillary Clinton approach the level of enthusiasm that Obama achieved with young voters? And can Donald Trump persuade older voters that he’s not a big risk?

Спорт в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о строительстве спортивных объектов


Все новости спорта сегодня

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Даниил Медведев

Медведев сыграет с Бубликом в Мадриде 


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Экология в России и мире

"Экобас" не для Невы: стильные электросуда для Москвы делают в Ленобласти

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о единых принципах привлечения инвесторов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил о желании построить в Белоруссии вторую АЭС

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Мэр Киева Кличко рассказал о попытках встретиться с Зеленским лично

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Алла Пугачёва

Сгорбленная и худая артистка Алла Пугачева покинула Израиль


WSJ: планировщики считают маловероятным «прямое вторжение» России в НАТО

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