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Новости за 29.06.2016

CIA director: Istanbul attack bears hallmarks of Islamic State

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CIA Director John Brennan said Wednesday that the attack in Istanbul has the earmarks of strikes by Islamic State militants and that the group is likely trying to hit the United States in the Middle East and on U.S. soil.

Review: Spielberg weaves magic out of Dahl’s 'The BFG’

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There’s a secret about children that Steven Spielberg, Melissa Mathison and Roald Dahl have always known — that no matter how innocent, kids are as capable of understanding darkness as adults, and sometimes even more so. It’s not that it’s some completely unacknowledged truth, but it is one that rarely seems to permeate what we consider “children’s entertainment” in any real way. It just makes adults too uncomfortable. It’s also the reason why the under-10 set flocks to Dahl.

Coalition: Airstrikes cut Islamic State oil revenues in half

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About 300 airstrikes against the Islamic State’s oil network in Iraq and Syria during the last two years have cut the terrorist group’s revenue by at least half, a U.S. military spokesman said Wednesday.

Review: 'The Purge: Election Year' is the craziest Purge yet

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“The Purge,” 2013’s low-budget home invasion horror hit, found its breakout star in The Purge itself: an annual 12 hour bloodbath of government-sanctioned mayhem. In this dystopian near-future, the New Founding Fathers of America have instituted the contained lawlessness in order to keep crime, and the population, in check. The 2014 sequel, “The Purge: Anarchy,” liberated audiences from the confines of a single home and let loose into the streets of murderous chaos.

Review: Spielberg, Dahl work well together in 'The BFG'

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It makes sense that the sensibilities of Steven Spielberg and Roald Dahl would someday collide, as they do in Spielberg's adaptation of Dahl's "The BFG." Both artists often tell stories about misunderstood children finding connections with misunderstood, fantastical, alien creatures. They have a knack for drawing out the dark and maudlin aspects of childhood, the loneliness and isolation, as well as the capacity for wonder and amazement, the sheer possibility of anything and everything. That dreamy... Читать дальше...

Islamic State repels advance by US-backed Syrian rebels near Iraq border

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Islamic State militants on Wednesday pushed back U.S.-trained Syrian rebels from the outskirts of a town on the Iraqi border, dealing a setback to a budding offensive that aims to sever the militants' transit link between Syria and Iraq, a rebel spokesman said.

Russian security guard attacked US diplomat outside Moscow embassy

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The previously unreported attack occurred just steps from the entrance to the U.S. Embassy complex. The diplomat suffered a broken shoulder, among other injuries. After entering the embassy, he was then flown out of Russia to receive urgent medical attention.

Review: 'The Neon Demon' offers harsh look at beauty industry

Stars and Stripes 

“The Neon Demon,” from Nicholas Winding Refn, the Danish auteur behind the Ryan Gosling cult flick “Drive,” is a movie primarily about Elle Fanning’s face. Specifically, the inimitable, effervescent, and most importantly, youthful beauty of her character, Jesse, a young model making her way into the gaping maw of the modeling industry in Los Angeles. There’s a real obsession and focus on her innocent, rounded visage that drives the film.

Airmen: Gender-based job titles not high on radar

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The Navy may be scuttling “yeoman” and the Marines ditching “infantryman” in favor of “infantry Marine.” For the time being, however, airmen will stay airmen, and many Air Force folks in the ranks think that’s just fine.

Airmen say they don’t mind gender-specific title

Stars and Stripes 

The Navy may be scuttling “yeoman” and the Marines ditching “infantryman” in favor of “infantry Marine.” For the time being, however, airmen will stay airmen, and many Air Force folks in the ranks think that’s just fine.

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Баста: «Я ходил в компьютерные клубы в Ростове. Любимый боец в MK – Шан Цунг»


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