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Новости за 30.11.2015

Stallone and Company on the creation of ‘Creed’

Stars and Stripes 

For Sylvester Stallone, it was deja vu. There he was, a few Fridays ago, at the top of the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, having a proclamation read to him by the mayor. Mayor Michael Nutter was declaring Nov. 25 “Creed Day” in honor of the new movie Creed, which stars Stallone as some mug named Rocky Balboa, and Michael B. Jordan as Adonis Johnson, the son of Rocky’s best pal, boxing legend Apollo Creed.

South Korean prosecutors reopen bigamy case against ex-US soldier

Stars and Stripes 

Prosecutors in South Korea have reopened the case of a U.S. soldier who allegedly tricked a local woman into a bigamous marriage and left her $50,000 in debt when he returned to his wife in America, according to South Korean news reports.

On Ukraine's front lines, US-supplied equipment is falling apart

Stars and Stripes 

The United States has delivered more than $260 million in non-lethal military equipment to help the government of Ukraine in its fight against a Russian-backed insurgency, but some of the U.S.-supplied gear meant to protect and transport Ukrainian military forces is little more than junk.

Milwaukee mayor's promising political career was cut short by WWII

Stars and Stripes 

Carl Zeidler was among thousands of Milwaukeeans to join the military in the weeks and months after the attack on Pearl Harbor. He didn't have to. He was the mayor of the 12th largest city in the country, running a community of 580,000 that was rapidly gearing up for war.

The radical, unrepentant ideology of abortion clinic killers

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In the 12 years since Paul Hill's execution, dozens of people have taken up his call, attacking abortion clinics with bombs and bullets, acid and axes. They have ambushed doctors in their homes and offices, killing four. They have even killed clinic receptionists. At least 11 people have died in such attacks since 1993.

Veteran receives unexpected memento — 70 years later

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When Guy Hawkins Jr. reminisces about his younger brother who died in World War II he now has something extra to add. An unexpected Veterans Day gift recently gave him information he never knew and an item that will be a treasured family heirloom.

Despite runaway blimp, lawmakers stand behind troubled missile defense system

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The Pentagon’s glitch-prone, $2.7 billion system of radar-equipped blimps — designed to safeguard the nation’s capital against cruise missiles and other airborne threats — has long been a source of frustration to military leaders. A month ago, it became a punch line.

Obama’s foreign policy, tone wrong for America

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Obama spent the start of his first term on an unseemly apology tour for the policies of his American predecessors. He should turn that experience to good by admitting his mistakes in Syria and explaining how he will correct them.

Why the CIA is smearing Snowden

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Are we ready to endorse the precept that no human communication can ever take place without the U.S. government being able to monitor it?

Obama: Climate pact an 'act of defiance' after Paris attacks

Stars and Stripes 

Pushing for a powerful climate deal, President Barack Obama called the global talks opening Monday outside Paris an "act of defiance" against terrorism that proves the world stands undeterred by Islamic State-linked attacks in Europe and beyond.

Музыкальные новости

Концерт «Стихи войны и мира. Баллада о своих»

Персональные новости
Такер Карлсон

Дугин в интервью Такеру Карлсону: "Путин — это традиционный лидер"

Kosovo Parliament disrupted with tear gas, again

Stars and Stripes 

The opposition in Kosovo said Monday it would turn to street protests to get the government to cancel deals with Serbia and Montenegro after its lawmakers were barred from Parliament after they again broke up a session with tear gas.

Спорт в России и мире

Личка — о самой дорогой покупке в Москве: два дня назад решил купить самокат за 60 тысяч рублей


Все новости спорта сегодня

Новости тенниса
Полина Михайлова

Россиянка Полина Михайлова стала чемпионкой Франции по настольному теннису


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Экология в России и мире

Ключевой аспект успеха: как построить долгие и хорошие отношения с клиентом

Путин в России и мире

Пашинян подготовил "подарок" Путину к его инаугурации. Запад будет доволен

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил о желании построить в Белоруссии вторую АЭС

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Генсек НАТО прибыл в Киев: главные заявления Столтенберга и Зеленского

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Баста: «Я ходил в компьютерные клубы в Ростове. Любимый боец в MK – Шан Цунг»


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