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Sputnik International

Новости за 12.02.2017

Russian Orthodox Church, Vatican to Work Closer on Christians' Persecution

Sputnik International 

Chairman of the Department of External Church Relations Metropolitan Hilarion said that Russian Orthodox Church together with Vatican will try to institutionalize the joint work on the monitoring of the issue of Christians’ persecutions in the Middle East and other regions.

Gallup Finds Two Thirds of Russians, Plurality of Ukrainians See NATO as Threat

Sputnik International 

67% of Russians consider the North Atlantic alliance a 'threat,' with only 3% seeing the alliance as 'protection,' according to recent polling by the US-based polling and research firm Gallup. Over 54% of Belarusians and 35% of Ukrainians also see the alliance as a threat, the results showed.

Daesh Leader Baghdadi Injured in Airstrike in Iraq

Sputnik International 

Leader of the Daesh terrorist organization Abu Bakr Baghdadi was possibly injured during an airstrike carried out by the Iraqi Air Force in the city of Qaim on February 9, according to Iraqi media.

Russia Declares Homeopathy 'Junk Science,' Urges Ban on Public Use

Sputnik International 

Russia's Commission against Pseudoscience has called for the Health Ministry to ban homeopathy; however, the psychological effect of the medicine will continue to ensure its popularity, expert in pharmaceutical economics Roland Cash told Sputnik.

N Korea's Missile Test 'Provokes New Spiral of Tensions Near Russian Borders'

Sputnik International 

The recent ballistic missile test conducted by Pyongyang could require new international consultations, including in the UN Security Council (UNSC), the chairman of the Russian lower house of parliament's international affairs committee, Leonid Slutsky, told Sputnik on Sunday.

'Trump Party' Candidate Running for Mayor of an Italian City

Sputnik International 

31-year-old Italian politician Gianni Musetti has founded a "Trump Party" to run for the mayoral elections in the Italian city of Carrara (in the Tuscany region). The aim of the politician is simply to "enliven" the center-right movement in the country and be very close to the people, as Donald Trump, he says, was the choice of the ordinary people.

Who Wants a Free Car Wash From Golden Gate?

Sputnik International 

If you are going to San Francisco to enjoy the view of the Golden Gate Bridge, it may be quite disappointing because of the strong winds recorded around the Bay Area.

Where the Right Went Wrong: Fillon, Le Pen See French Election Chances Slip

Sputnik International 

Although it's extremely difficult to predict who will win the upcoming presidential elections in France, it's safe to assume that former Prime Minister Francois Fillon and National Front leader Marine Le Pen are very unlikely to prevail, French political analyst Arnaud Mercier told RIA Novosti.

Magnitude 5.2 Earthquake Hits New Zealand's South Island

Sputnik International 

A 5.2-magnitude earthquake occurred 15 kilometers (9 miles) north-west of the town of Culverden in New Zealand’s South Island, the country's official earthquake monitoring service GeoNet Science said Sunday.

Музыкальные новости

Минкульт Калининградской области отказался отменять шоу «Tribute Rammstein»

Персональные новости

По запросу Баку в Москве незаконно был задержан известный российский политолог Михаил Александров

North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile

Sputnik International 

North Korea has fired a ballistic missile, the Yonhap News Agency reports, citing South Korean military sources.

Спорт в России и мире

Юные керамисты школы №2120 выиграли три Гран-при конкурса «Мир дому твоему!»


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Даниил Медведев

Медведев рассказал, что у него не получилось в первом сете матча с Арнальди в Мадриде


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Экология в России и мире

Концентрация песка в городском воздухе возвращается к обычным значениям

Путин в России и мире

Путин поздравил Леонида Рошаля с днем рождения

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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Басманный суд Москвы арестовал продюсера Reuters Константина Габова за помощь ФБК в подготовке материалов

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Красноярцы и Джиган рассмешили Артемия Лебедева и вышли в финал «Звезд»


Осуждённому за наёмничество участнику СВО из Киргизии дадут убежище в России

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