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Storefront Repair Fund Awards 600th Check to King’s Deli and Grocery

Seattle.gov (Seattle) 

Owning and operating a business is a lot of work. Beruck Tewolde is not only the owner of King’s Deli and Grocery in Madrona, he’s the only employee. “It has a lot of challenges,” he explains. “You have to work more. But if you work hard, you see the profit.” Tewolde knows how to serve […]

Storefront Repair Fund Grant Helps Cobbler Take on Challenges

Seattle.gov (Seattle) 

The skills needed to be a cobbler include sewing, dying, and polishing. If you ask Shelly Luhman, it also requires skills beyond being able to mend a shoe. “You can’t be afraid to try new things and you can’t be afraid to get dirty,” says Luhman, the co-owner of Broadway Shoe Repair. In fact, it’s […]

City of Seattle, Grow America and JPMorgan Chase Celebrate First-in-the-Nation Business Property Ownership Program: Business Community Ownership Fund 

Seattle.gov (Seattle) 

BIPOC-owned design firm La Union Studio celebrates grand opening of new commercial space secured through the Business Community Ownership Fund  Today, Mayor Bruce Harrell, joined the Seattle Office of Economic Development (OED), Grow America, and JPMorgan Chase to celebrate the opening of the first Business Community Ownership Fund (BCO Fund) participating business, La Union Studio. […]

grayseas pies: sweet passion turned successful business

Seattle.gov (Seattle) 

Gracie Santos Guce didn’t plan to turn her love of making pies into a business. It just happened. “It was an accident. People call me an accidental entrepreneur. Before the pandemic, I don’t think I ever baked a pie in my life,” says Guce, owner of grayseas pies. One day, she decided to try making […]

Inspiring Women in Construction through Coloring

Seattle.gov (Seattle) 

When you picture a construction worker, Marquia Wooten might not be the person you imagine. “I’m petite, I’m a girly girl,” explains Wooten. “If I got on the bus right now, no one would think I operate heavy equipment.” It’s that stereotype Wooten is trying to change with her new coloring book, “Coloring Strength.” She […]

Good News Downtown Turns One!

Seattle.gov (Seattle) 

Every week, we compile stories of a vibrant, buzzing, and exciting Downtown. To celebrate one year of Good News Downtown and help jog your memory of some of the great things that happened Downtown in 2023, click on the pictures below to see some of our favorite highlights. Want to get updates in your inbox […]

Help us relaunch “The Mixer” program to help creative industry small businesses

Seattle.gov (Seattle) 

We’re excited to bring back “The Mixer” program to help small businesses in the creative economy. Through the Request for Qualifications process, we’re looking for a production consultant or producing firm team to help us relaunch this program in 2024. The contract runs through December 2024 and is budgeted for up to $150,000. Responses are […]

Help OED update our Creative Economy research

Seattle.gov (Seattle) 

Seattle’s creative industry—including the arts, film, and music—is part of what makes our region unique. The industry includes more than 60 different occupations that represent 250,000 jobs in the metro area. To help us better understand how this industry has grown and changed in the last five years, we’re updating our Creative Economy Report. We’re […]

Black History Month 2024: Supporting and growing Black-owned businesses

Seattle.gov (Seattle) 

Seattle has a rich and deep history of Black and African-American communities and businesses. We’re proud to celebrate that history and highlight events in the community.  You can learn about more events from the Department of Neighborhoods 2024 Guide to Black History Month Events in Seattle. In addition to supporting our local Black and African […]

Celebrating 10 years of the SODO BIA

Seattle.gov (Seattle) 

Getting its name for being “south of the dome,” the SODO district went from filled-in tidal flats to the industrial heart of Seattle. Today, SODO is a vibrant and diverse business district. For the last ten years, the SODO Business Improvement Area (BIA) has worked hard to support the neighborhood’s businesses. The SODO BIA formed […]

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В Москве завершился Кубок России по спортивному программированию


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Мацуев — о московском дерби: Бездарное зрелище. Уснул на 15-й минуте


Baza: восьмиклассник чуть не сжег дом соседа самодельным огнеметом в Москве

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