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Новости за 11.04.2018

Russia Insider Website Under DDoS Attack Since Tuesday Evening

Russia-Insider.com (en) 

Dear Friends,

Apparently we have been doing our job too well recently, and somebody REALLY doesn’t appreciate it!

Traffic on the site has exploded over the past few days, and is about 3X its usual level - until about an hour ago.

Our site was down for about 2.5 hours yesterday evening EST, and has been intermittent this afternoon, due to a sustained and relatively sophisticated DDoS (denial of service) attack.

Western Civilization to Self-Destruct?

Russia-Insider.com (en) 

I don’t think I have a reputation for panicking. But I do think that we are now at probably the most dangerous point in world affairs since Russian and NATO troops faced off at Pristina Airport in 1999, if not since the Cold War.

We All Need To Unite Against War in Syria, Regardless Of Ideology

Russia-Insider.com (en) 

The authoress is very liberal.

Last night Fox’s Tucker Carlson did what may have been the most amazing thing that has ever happened on American television. As the drums of war beat louder than they have in years, Carlson stared right into the camera and did the exact opposite of what every mainstream US pundit is doing right now: he told the truth.

Macron Begs Russia Not to Retaliate Against French Syria Strikes

Russia-Insider.com (en) 

Marko Marjanović has been a Russia Insider deputy editor since Nov' 2014 and a major force in the creation of its product for that entire time. You may want to check out his after hours project Checkpoint Asia or follow it on Facebook.

FACT: Moscow Has a Nuclear Missile Shield, NY and DC Don't

Russia-Insider.com (en) 

The most heavily defended city in the world is not Washington, DC. It’s Moscow. While the District of Columbia has legions of Secret Service and Homeland Security police defending it, the Russian capital is the only one in the world—that we know of—defended with nuclear-tipped missiles. It’s all the result of an exception built into a forty-four-year-old arms control treaty.

What Just Happened Here?? Trump Declares War on Russia Over Twitter

Russia-Insider.com (en) 

Marko Marjanović has been a Russia Insider deputy editor since Nov' 2014 and a major force in the creation of its product for that entire time. You may want to check out his after hours project Checkpoint Asia or follow it on Facebook.

Russian Jamming Has Grounded US Drones Over Syria

Russia-Insider.com (en) 

Marko Marjanović is a Russia Insider deputy editor. Has been since Nov' 2014. You may want to check out his after hours project Checkpoint Asia or follow it on Facebook.

Russian Warplane Buzzes French Warship off Syria Coast

Russia-Insider.com (en) 

Marko Marjanović is a Russia Insider deputy editor. Has been since Nov' 2014. You may want to check out his after hours project Checkpoint Asia or follow it on Facebook.

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