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Новости за 03.08.2015

Obama issues challenge on climate change with power plant rule


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama challenged America and the world to step up efforts to fight global warming on Monday at the formal unveiling of his administration's controversial, ramped-up plan to cut carbon emissions from U.S. power plants.

Obama issues challenge on climate change with power plant rule


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama challenged America and the world to step up efforts to fight global warming on Monday at the formal unveiling of his administration's controversial, ramped-up plan to cut carbon emissions from U.S. power plants.

No plans to probe hitchhiking robot vandalism: Philadelphia police


HARRISBURG, Pa. (Reuters) - Philadelphia police said on Monday they will not investigate the weekend vandalism that ended an experimental robot's attempted hitchhiking trip across the United States unless the Canadian universities that own it file a criminal complaint.

U.S. drones capture breath samples from humpback whales in study


BOSTON (Reuters) - Researchers at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute in Cape Cod have begun using a helicopter-style drone to monitor humpback whales off the coast, collecting breath samples from their blowholes and taking aerial pictures.

U.S. court to hear lawsuits over 'net neutrality' in December


(Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court will hear oral arguments on Dec. 4 in lawsuits that challenge the Federal Communications Commission's "net neutrality" rules, which prevent broadband providers from blocking or slowing Internet traffic, the court said on Monday.

Eli Lilly faces first U.S. trials over Cymbalta withdrawal


NEW YORK (Reuters) - Eli Lilly & Co on Tuesday will confront the first U.S. trial over allegations it failed to warn users of its popular antidepressant Cymbalta that they could suffer severe withdrawal symptoms, including suicidal thoughts and electric shock-like sensations.

Eli Lilly faces first U.S. trials over Cymbalta withdrawal


NEW YORK (Reuters) - Eli Lilly & Co on Tuesday will confront the first U.S. trial over allegations it failed to warn users of its popular antidepressant Cymbalta that they could suffer severe withdrawal symptoms, including suicidal thoughts and electric shock-like sensations.

Aid drops for Myanmar flood victims


Relief teams are delivering aid to to areas of Myanmar's Rakhine State devastated by deadly flooding. Rohgh Cut (no reporter narration).

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Aid drops for Myanmar flood victims


Relief teams are delivering aid to to areas of Myanmar's Rakhine State devastated by deadly flooding. Rohgh Cut (no reporter narration).

Special Report - U.S. State Department watered down human trafficking report


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In the weeks leading up to a critical annual U.S. report on human trafficking that publicly shames the world’s worst offenders, human rights experts at the State Department concluded that trafficking conditions hadn’t improved in Malaysia and Cuba. And in China, they found, things had grown worse.

Obama unveils tougher climate change plan


U.S. President Barack Obama unveils a plan to limit carbon pollution from power plants, calling it the "single most important step" ever taken by the U.S. to fight climate change. Rough Cut (No reporter narration).

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Спортсменка из Бутово выиграла «золото» на турнирах по художественной гимнастике


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