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Новости за 03.05.2023

Memorial Day Massacre: Remembering the deadly clash with Chicago cops that changed labor conflict

Raw Story 

After decades of decline, union organizing is surging again today, mainly in new industries, from coffee empires to online megastores. At the same time, teachers’ and nurses’ unions remain strong and the venerable guild for movie and TV writers went on strike earlier this week. Stephen Colbert, knowing his late-night show would soon go dark, said on Monday, “This nation owes so much to unions.”

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King Charles’ coronation brings renewed attention to royal drama

Raw Story 

King Charles’ coronation comes after years of royal rifts and family feuds. While the spotlight Saturday will be on Charles and his wife, Camilla, queen consort, others who are — and aren’t — in attendance will also garner attention. Most notably, Charles’ son Prince Harry will be there in London after months of speculation about his status, while wife Meghan Markle will remain in the U.S. Harry, who stepped down from his senior royal duties in 2020, has been vocal about his strained relationship with his family. Читать дальше...

Outrage mounts over chokehold death of Michael Jackson impersonator in clash with veteran US Marine on NYC subway

Raw Story 

NEW YORK -- Outrage is mounting over the death of a homeless, mentally disturbed Michael Jackson impersonator who died on a Manhattan subway train in a caught-on-camera clash with a U.S. Marine who put him in a chokehold. Friends and elected officials decried the death of Jordan Neely on Wednesday, insisting the homeless busker didn’t deserve to die. Neely, 30, was a familiar sight around town, performing in Times Square and on subways as Michael Jackson. “NYC is not Gotham,” city Comptroller Brad Lander tweeted. Читать дальше...

Музыкальные новости

Мама Тимати прошлась по интервью Шишковой: «Смотреть было брезгливо, но Аленка молодец»

Персональные новости

Власти Евросоюза призвали РФ пересмотреть решение о судьбе "дочек" Ariston и Bosch

Wisconsin Republicans back into a corner wielding their budget ax

Raw Story 

Wisconsin Republicans’ preferred candidate just took a beating in a much-watched state Supreme Court race, prompting soul searching at both the state and the national levels about how the GOP lost touch with voters, whether the suburban women they depend on to win elections are enjoying our state’s return to nineteenth century abortion rules, and what lessons can be learned ahead of Election Day 2024.

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Staten Island baby dies from fentanyl and cocaine after spending night with 3-time felon father, death ruled homicide

Raw Story 

NEW YORK -- A Staten Island baby being cared for by his three-time felon father died after ingesting a lethal mix of fentanyl and cocaine, police said Wednesday. Little Sakani Kamagate was just 16 months old when he died — and the city Medical Examiner deemed his death a homicide this week, police said. The boy was being watched by his father, Adam Kamagate, inside the dad’s home on Hamilton Ave. near Academy Place in St. George when he full unconscious in bed, police said. Nobody has been criminally... Читать дальше...

Meghan Markle blasted by Donald Trump over treatment of Queen Elizabeth II: 'She disrespected her!'

Raw Story 

Meghan Markle has been blasted by Donald Trump over her treatment of Queen Elizabeth II. The former US President told GB News during a world-exclusive interview, that the Duchess of Sussex had been "very disrespectful" to the Queen. The former US President told GB News during a world-exclusive interview, that the Duchess of Sussex had been "very disrespectful" to the Queen. Trump said: "I think she [Meghan] has been very disrespectful to the Queen. Trump said: "I think she [Meghan] has been very disrespectful to the Queen. Читать дальше...

Спорт в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о строительстве спортивных объектов


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Экология в России и мире

Экологические итоги недели: Миллиарды цикад покроют Америку

Путин в России и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Мэр Киева Кличко рассказал о попытках встретиться с Зеленским лично

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