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The Post and Courier

Новости за 04.05.2016

Eddy Southard seeking re-election to House seat

The Post and Courier 

MONCKS CORNER — A state lawmaker who resigned last month in the wake of an ethics allegation involving a female Statehouse page could be re-elected in November.

South Carolina's satellite camps to be on familiar recruiting ground

The Post and Courier 

COLUMBIA — Will Muschamp believes nothing in the recruiting process is more critical than getting a prospect on campus, to experience the facilities and environment that would be part of his life for the next four years. But in an age of satellite camps, South Carolina’s head coach is preparing to take his show on the road.

Hooray for shrimp season in the Lowcountry

The Post and Courier 

Mount Pleasant’s recent Blessing of the Fleet celebration was more than just an excuse to watch some boats and have some beer (although that sounds — and is — good!). This annual celebration is all about hope: hope for a successful fishing season, for safety for the captains and crews, for good weather, for the tradition of...

Artist spotlight: Susan Irish, founder of West Ashley's Fabulon gallery

The Post and Courier 

Fabulon, an art gallery and an education center that offers classes and private lessons, opened last year at 1017 Wappoo Road in West Ashley. Susan Irish, founder and owner of Fabulon, spoke to the Charleston Scene about the gallery and what it has in store for the Charleston Gallery Association’s quarterly Art Walk on Friday.

Let's all vote for Trump, head of S.C. GOP says

The Post and Courier 

The head of the South Carolina Republican Party says it’s time for all GOP voters in the state to get behind Donald Trump as their candidate for the White House.

Spoleto Festival to livestream 'Porgy and Bess' at Marion Square, West Ashley High School

The Post and Courier 

Tickets for every performance of Spoleto Festival USA’s production of "Porgy and Bess" sold out quickly, leaving many to hope for a miracle. Would the festival schedule additional performances? Were there blocks of reserved seats that might become available? Might ticketholders decide, for one reason or another, to forego the...

Government wants regional group out of nuke fuel lawsuit

The Post and Courier 

COLUMBIA, S.C. — An economic development group shouldn’t be allowed into South Carolina’s lawsuit against the U.S. Energy Department, attorneys for the federal government argued in court papers filed this week.

Aeropostale files bankruptcy, to close 154 stores

The Post and Courier 

Teen retailer Aeropostale filed for bankruptcy Wednesday and said it will close 113 stores in the U.S. and all of its 41 shops in Canada as part of a restructuring move for the struggling 805-store chain.

For Goose Creek's Katelyn Dambaugh, a win is all that's missing at USC

The Post and Courier 

COLUMBIA — She owns the lowest career scoring average in South Carolina history, and has established herself as one of the best players in the SEC, if not the nation. But entering the NCAA regionals, one thing still evades Goose Creek native Katelyn Dambaugh.

For Goose Creek's Katelyn Dambaugh, a win is all that's missing at USC

The Post and Courier 

COLUMBIA — She owns the lowest career scoring average in South Carolina history, and has established herself as one of the best players in SEC, if not the nation. But entering the NCAA regionals, one thing still evades Goose Creek native Katelyn Dambaugh.

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