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PocketChess 2.0 vs. Chess Genius 1.2

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This MagSafe enclosure puts a NVMe SSD on the back of your iPhone 15 series

PocketChess 2.0 vs. Chess Genius 1.2 

NEWS – Shooting 4K ProRes video with an iPhone uses a lot of storage. The best way around that is to attach an SSD to the iPhone via the USB-C port and save the video directly to the drive instead of the iPhone’s internal storage. That’s where the Hagibis Magsafe NVMe enclosure comes in. This […]

This mini ratchet with bit holder folds up to fit in your pocket or your keychain!

PocketChess 2.0 vs. Chess Genius 1.2 

NEWS – The LaBear mini folding magnetic ratchet set is one of the smallest all-in-one style ratchet sets that I’ve seen. You won’t want to use this small tool for big jobs, but in a pinch, it will help you tighten or loosen hex and star screws. It features a bit holder that attaches to […]

Satechi USB-C Multiport Adapter 8K review

PocketChess 2.0 vs. Chess Genius 1.2 

REVIEW – A few days ago while I was working on rearranging equipment on my desktop to make things neater, I was amazed at how many accessories I have and how many I swap because I am either short on docks or I am using docks that lack enough ports or the variety of ports […]

Kuru Toga Advance mechanical pencil review – a “revolution” in sharp writing

PocketChess 2.0 vs. Chess Genius 1.2 

REVIEW – The mechanical pencil is a favorite of writers and technical draftspersons because no sharpening is required but, it can still develop a dull edge if the pencil is not periodically rotated while writing. The Kuru Toga Advance has a mechanism to rotate the lead a tiny bit each time the tip contacts the […]

Kamado Joe Konnected Joe Digital Charcoal Grill & Smoker review

PocketChess 2.0 vs. Chess Genius 1.2 

REVIEW – Can you smell that picture? It’s grilling season! I’m testing the Kamado Joe Konnected Joe Digital Charcoal Grill & Smoker, which claims to combine the benefits of a ceramic grill with digital control (and a companion app) that makes charcoal cooking effortless. Heads up: we have a lot to cover in this one, […]

Boox Palma Flip-fold Protective Case review

PocketChess 2.0 vs. Chess Genius 1.2 

REVIEW – A few months ago, e-ink device maker Boox released the new Flip-fold Protective Case for the Palma e-ink mini-tablet. I jumped on this one, because I am a hardcore butterfingers, and I drop everything I own. I previously had the OEM hard shell case, which just covered the back of the device. This […]

Save $200 off this multi-featured SIHOO C300 Pro ergonomic office chair

PocketChess 2.0 vs. Chess Genius 1.2 

NEWS – If you’ve been looking to enhance your office chair experience with more features and comfort, it’s time to take a look at the Sihoo Doro-C300 Pro Ergonomic Office Chair. This chair seamlessly blends style and comfort, with an ergonomic design that includes a mesh back, soft PU-coated armrests, and a sleek appearance. Upgrade […]

ROKR Magic Piano puzzle kit review – A beautiful musical puzzle

PocketChess 2.0 vs. Chess Genius 1.2 

REVIEW – The last ROKR review I did was so much fun that I had to do another one! This time around it’s a musical piano with intricate gears. What is it? The ROKR Magic Piano puzzle is a beautiful little puzzle made from laser cut wood pieces that build around a little spring-wound music […]

Make corn on the cob safer!

PocketChess 2.0 vs. Chess Genius 1.2 

NEWS – Yes, corn on the cob safety is a thing. Or it should be. I can remember digging around in the kitchen drawers as a kid, searching for the corn on the cob holders with their pointy ends. I have PTSD from getting poked. Am I exaggerating? Maybe. But now you and your offspring […]

ALLPOWERS R1500 Portable Home Backup Power Station review

PocketChess 2.0 vs. Chess Genius 1.2 

REVIEW – If you’re in an area that gets occasional power outages, having backup power options on hand might be worth the investment.  Even better, if you can find something that can serve in a dual role as a power station and on-demand battery backup for sensitive equipment.  We’re looking at the ALLPOWERS 1500 to […]

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