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Team develops new type of anticoagulant whose action can be rapidly stopped


Anticoagulant treatments are crucial for managing many conditions, such as heart disease, stroke and venous thrombosis. Current options, however, carry an inherent risk of serious bleeding due to trauma or unforeseen events. A team from the University of Geneva (UNIGE) and the University of Sydney has developed a new anticoagulant, designed to have an on-demand reversible activity, with a fast-acting "antidote."

Genetic adaptations have impacted the blood compositions of two populations from Papua New Guinea, finds study


Papua New Guinea (PNG) has a wide range of environments, each presenting unique challenges to human survival. Highlanders and lowlanders of PNG are striking examples of populations facing distinct environmental stress. Whereas the highlanders encounter low oxygen availability due to altitude, the lowlanders are exposed to specific pathogens that are absent in the highlands, such as malaria. Despite these strong environmental pressures, the specific adaptations of these populations have remained overlooked.

Gene seekers discover atypical genes that control multiple valuable soybean traits


A team led by Purdue University soybean geneticist Jianxin Ma has developed a new biotechnological tool for the domestication of desirable traits from wild soybeans, such as resistance to leafhopper insect pests. The use of such tools, called de novo domestication, makes it easier for scientists to engineer crop improvements from wild soybeans.

B₄C–TiB₂ composite ceramics with adjustable mechanical and electrical properties


In recent years, electro-conductive composite ceramics have gradually become a research hotspot in the functionalization of structural ceramics. However, the improvement of conductivity is generally achieved at the cost of increasing the content of conductive phases or sacrificing the mechanical properties of the composite ceramics.

Antimicrobial resistance prevalence varies by age and sex in bloodstream infections in European hospitals: Study


New research presented at this year's European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID 2024, Barcelona 27-30 April) shows that levels of resistance to antimicrobials (AMR) varies with age and sex, with age in particular showing substantial variation both between and within countries. The study by Gwen Knight, Associate Professor at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and co-Director of the LSHTM AMR Centre, London, UK, and colleagues, is published in PLOS Medicine.

An AI dataset carves new paths to tornado detection


The return of spring in the Northern Hemisphere touches off tornado season. A tornado's twisting funnel of dust and debris seems an unmistakable sight. But that sight can be obscured to radar, the tool of meteorologists. It's hard to know exactly when a tornado has formed, or even why.

Study finds AI tool opens data visualization to more students


A new study from the Tepper School of Business at Carnegie Mellon University published in the Journal of Business and Technical Communication shows that ChatGPT can help students create effective visualizations, but is not as helpful in providing data analysis.

Maps developed with artificial intelligence confirm low levels of phosphorus in Amazonian soil


As the impacts of climate change increasingly affect the daily lives of residents in several countries, including Brazil, the resilience of forests, especially tropical ones such as the Amazon, has become a frequent topic of research. In addition to studying various factors that influence the way vegetation reacts to global warming, scientists are seeking to improve vegetation models—tools that play a crucial role in understanding and managing ecosystems, contributing to biodiversity conservation and sustainable development.

Women should be included in decisions on the protection of human rights in the climate crisis, say researchers


Eighty percent of climatic migrants are women and children. This figure means that a new international legal framework is required to protect human rights by adding gender-sensitive measures to policies and legislation. This is the claim made by Susana Borràs, a researcher from the University of Rovira's Department of Public Law in an article published in the journal Environmental Policy and Law, in which she discusses the complexities of perpetuating inequalities, vulnerabilities and the lack of protection of migrant women and children.

Researchers discover new lantibiotic produced by staphylococci


Researchers at the University Hospital Bonn (UKB), the University of Bonn, and the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF) have discovered a new lantibiotic, namely epilancin A37. It is produced by staphylococci that colonize the skin and act specifically against their main competitor there, the corynebacteria.

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