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Новости за 10.06.2018

Terry Bradshaw supports Eagles in anthem dispute with President


FOX News may be with the President and against the Eagles when it comes to the anthem dispute, but one of FOX’s primary NFL faces and voices supports the defending Super Bowl champions. Terry Bradshaw, whose weekly FOX NFL Sunday duties will expand to Thursday Night Football in 2018, told TMZ while eating a meal in New [more]

Eagles running through “a million different things” after kickoff rule changes


The NFL’s 32 special teams coaches have a new challenge this year as the league’s decision to change kickoffs have thrust them into uncharted water heading into the regular season. The changes, which include no running starts for the coverage team and a ban on wedge blocking by return teams, have been described as making [more]

AAF looks to fill TV and fantasy football void


For years, the NFL season has ended abruptly and suddenly, forcing football fans to wait for more of the game they love until September. Charlie Ebersol, the son of legendary TV executive Dick Ebersol, realized the untapped potential that could flow from having more football. And that led directly to the birth of the Alliance [more]

Ovechkin, Holtby set to guest on The Tonight Show


There will be some must-see TV on Monday night. Alex Ovechkin, made famous in recent hours by such exploits a this and this, and Braden Holtby, who has done this, and this in roughly the same timeframe, will stumble their way onto the set of Jimmy Fallon’s The Tonight Show on NBC on Monday. The

Oliver Vernon won’t kneel for anthem, possibly will stay in locker room


Throughout the 2017 season, Giants defensive end Olivier Vernon took a knee during the national anthem. In 2018, he won’t. “I mean, I ain’t trying to get fined,” Vernon said Saturday at Landon Collins‘ celebrity softball game, via Ralph Vacchiano of SNY. “So no.” Vernon added that he hasn’t decided whether he’ll stay in the [more]

Jay Gruden calls Trey Quinn a “quiet assassin”


Wide receiver Trey Quinn became the latest player to get the Mr. Irrelevant label when he became the final pick of the 2018 NFL Draft, which lead him to say that he plans to be “the most relevant” player ever with that tag. He’s off to a good start making that happen and he’s earned [more]

Kellen Winslow’s representatives strongly deny burglary allegations


Former NFL tight end Kellen Winslow II recently was arrested for suspicion of burglary. His agent and lawyer insist that Winslow was doing nothing wrong. Lawyer Harvey Steinberg told NBC News that Winslow “emphatically denies committing any burglary.” The alleged burglary occurred at a trailer park. “He would have no need to burglarize or steal anything [more]

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2018 World Cup preview: Panama


Los Canaleros head into Russia as heavy underdogs in Group G. Can they make a splash against giants like Belgium and England?

Delanie Walker would welcome Dez Bryant to the Titans


Dez Bryant has been looking for work for nearly two months. One veteran pass catcher has a possible answer. Titans tight end Delanie Walker would be happy to have Bryant in Tennessee. “[W]e’ve got some good, premier receivers on our team, Corey Davis, Rishard Matthews,” Walker said Saturday at Michael Crabtree‘s youth football camp in Dallas, [more]

Will Khalil Mack show up for mandatory minicamp?


As the mandatory minicamp guessing game continues, one major player whose potential attendance remains in doubt serves as the centerpiece of the Raiders defense. Defensive end Khalil Mack doesn’t have a new contract. And he has skipped the entirety of the offseason program. So will he show up on Tuesday? Skipping out will cost nearly [more]

Terrell Owens, Michael Irvin have a brewing feud


If John Madden is right about the Hall of Fame busts talking to each other at night, the conversation may soon get much more interesting. A bronzed version of receiver Terrell Owens will debut in August, joining a room that includes the permanent sculptured likeness of receiver Michael Irvin. And Owens and Irvin have entered [more]

Earl Thomas won’t attend Seahawks minicamp


Seahawks coach Pete Carroll said last week that he was expecting safety Earl Thomas to be at the team’s mandatory minicamp when it starts on Tuesday, but Thomas has other plans. In a post to Twitter on Sunday, Thomas announced that he will not attend the team’s minicamp. Thomas suggested he won’t be at training [more]

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Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил о желании построить в Белоруссии вторую АЭС

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