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Новости за 22.12.2016

Marty Mornhinweg disagrees with boss about worst play call of all time


Ravens head coach John Harbaugh said that an interception thrown by quarterback Joe Flacco with a 10-point lead late in last Sunday’s game against the Eagles came on what Harbaugh called the “all-time worst” play call. The Eagles would kick a field goal a short time later and then score a touchdown that set them…

Falcons cut two, promote two


The Falcons cut two players and promoted two from the practice squad on Thursday. Linebacker Josh Keyes and tight end D.J. Tialavea were called up to the active roster. With tight end Jacob Tamme on the injured-reserve list and tight end Austin Hooper unlikely to play this week due to a knee injury, Tialavea should…

Byron Maxwell misses second straight practice


Dolphins cornerback Byron Maxwell left last Saturday’s game against the Jets in the first quarter with an ankle injury and hasn’t returned to the field yet. Maxwell missed a second straight day of practice on Thursday, leaving his status for this weekend’s trip to Buffalo in doubt a couple of days ahead of kickoff. The…

Michael Floyd: Right now it’s about learning from mistakes


Wide receiver Michael Floyd met reporters on Thursday for the first time since he joined the Patriots as a waiver claim last week and he faced questions about the DUI arrest that led him to the waiver wire in the first place. Floyd was arrested in Arizona on December 12 and released by the Cardinals…

Melvin Gordon not practicing again


Chargers running back Melvin Gordon was not at practice again Thursday and seems unlikely to play Saturday when the Chargers play in Cleveland. Gordon left early in a Week 14 loss to the Panthers with a hip injury and was also listed on last week’s injury report with a knee issue. He has not practiced…

Washington brings cornerback Dashaun Phillips back to roster


Washington cornerback Greg Toler was cleared from the concussion protocol this week, but the secondary is still a bit thin, leading to a roster move. The team announced today they had promoted cornerback Dashaun Phillips from the practice squad. To make room for him on the roster, they released wide receiver Rashad Ross. Phillips played in three…

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Концерт «7 хитов И.С.Баха» в Эрмитажном театре

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NFL is “reviewing everything” relating to Michael Floyd DUI arrest


Former Cardinals receiver Michael Floyd lost his roster spot following a DUI arrest last week. He eventually could be losing a couple of game checks, along with the ability to play in those games. For now, the legal process is ongoing. As is the league’s consideration of the situation. “We are reviewing everything related to…

Joe Haden to have groin surgery after season


Browns cornerback Joe Haden guaranteed that the Browns wouldn’t go 0-16 this season and the team is down to two chances to make that happen. Haden said on Thursday that he will put off surgery until after the season in hopes of helping back up that guarantee. Haden has had a couple of different groin…

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Экология в России и мире

Вокруг парка на электромобиле: что будет доступно напрокат в Москве

Путин в России и мире

Пашинян подготовил "подарок" Путину к его инаугурации. Запад будет доволен

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил о желании построить в Белоруссии вторую АЭС

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