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Новости за 17.08.2016

Seahawks admit they don’t know if Jimmy Graham will play in opener


The Seahawks activated tight end Jimmy Graham from the physically unable to perform list last week. But that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s going to be ready for the start of the regular season. Via Sheil Kapadia of ESPN.com, Seahawks coach Pete Carroll left the door open to the possibility Graham might not be ready for the…

Bowles plans to play Hackenberg Friday


Jets Coach Todd Bowles told reporters Wednesday that rookie quarterback Christian Hackenberg should make his preseason debut Friday night at the Redskins. “That’s the plan,” Bowles said. Hackenberg, who’s fourth on the team’s unofficial depth chart, did not play in last week’s preseason opener. The Jets have one of the league’s most interesting preseason quarterback…

Clemson buys $5 million insurance policies for Deshaun Watson


Clemson quarterback Deshaun Watson is viewed by some as the top prospect for the 2017 NFL draft. If an injury changes that, he’s financially protected. Clemson has paid for a pair of $5 million insurance policies for Watson, ESPN reports. One of the policies would pay out of Watson suffered a career-ending injury, while the…

Giants kicker Brown gets one-game suspension


Giants kicker Josh Brown has been suspended for one game for violating the NFL’s personal conduct policy. The Giants will have to find someone else to handle the kicking duties for their season opener against the Cowboys. The Giants have a second kicker, Tom Obarski, in training camp, but they’ll essentially have the whole week…

Chiefs rookie tackle Zach Sterup suspended four games for PED violation


Wait, is today Friday? No, it’s not Friday. The NFL broke form on Wednesday, announcing a suspension which hadn’t previously been reported before the end of the work week. According to Terez Paylor of the Kansas City Star, Chiefs tackle Zach Sterup has been suspended four games for violating the league’s policy on performance-enhancing substances.…

John Harbaugh: Terrell Suggs looked like he’s back in Wednesday’s practice


Linebacker Terrell Suggs came off the physically unable to perform list for the Ravens on Monday and spent his first two days of practice quietly working his way back into the mix 11 months after tearing his Achilles tendon. Wednesday saw a change from the veteran, however. Suggs was back to being a voluble presence…

Will Paul Tagliabue get enough votes for enshrinement?


Former Commissioner Paul Tagliabue has once again made it to the brink of the Hall of Fame. And, once again, he may have a very hard time getting in. “I do have concerns,” Peter King of TheMMQB.com and the Hall of Fame’s Contributors Committee told PFT on Tuesday. “I think that with Paul Tagliabue, there’s…

Derrick Rose on Knicks’ super-team status: “I still believe that”


Earlier this summer, Derrick Rose made waves when he referred to the new-look Knicks, who added himself and former Bulls teammate Joakim Noah, as a “super-team.” It was a bizarre claim, considering Noah and Rose have declined considerably due to injury over the years and teaming them with Carmelo Anthony and an up-and-coming prospect like […]

Bruce Arians will be at Cardinals practice Wednesday


Cardinals coach Bruce Arians was released from the hospital on Wednesday, a day after seeking medical attention for stomach pain prior to a joint practice between his club and the Chargers in San Diego. Arians said during a brief session with the media on Wednesday that he has diverticulitis, which is an inflammation in the…

Saints confident about Sheldon Rankins coming back this year


Saints coach Sean Payton wouldn’t say how much time first-rounder Sheldon Rankins would miss. But the good news is it won’t be the whole year. Via Mike Triplett of ESPN.com, Payton said the defensive tackle’s surgically repaired broken left fibula “clearly is not gonna be season ending at all.” Rankins broke the bone in practice…

Rex Ryan: Injuries, suspensions won’t stop defense from being better


The Bills defense has taken hits on both the injury and suspension front, but they haven’t taken a toll on coach Rex Ryan’s confidence in the unit’s potential. After the team finished 15th in points against and 19th in yards allowed last season, Ryan vowed to fully implement his scheme this season and said the…

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Victor Cruz has a “bounce-back day” despite not practicing


Earlier this week, Giants coach Ben McAdoo said that he hoped wide receiver Victor Cruz’s injured groin would improve enough for him to do some work on the field during Wednesday’s practice. Cruz did get in some work, but it wasn’t on the main practice field with his teammates. Cruz remained on a side field…

Doug Whaley: Marcell Dareus has to hold up his end of bargain


Bills defensive tackle Marcell Dareus will miss the first four games of the season while serving a suspension that he says is a result of a missed drug test and which led to a stern statement from the team after the suspension was revealed on Tuesday. General Manager Doug Whaley followed up that statement with…

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Экология в России и мире

Ключевой аспект успеха: как построить долгие и хорошие отношения с клиентом

Путин в России и мире

Пашинян подготовил "подарок" Путину к его инаугурации. Запад будет доволен

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

«Набей им морду, покажи им, что ты настоящий белорус». Лукашенко о поездке спортсменов на Олимпиаду

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В Клину состоится праздничная программа в честь дня рождения Чайковского


Житель Узбекистана осужден на пять лет за оскорбление президента страны Мирзиеева из-за участия в параде Победы в Москве

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