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Новости за 28.04.2016

NFL once again directs broadcast partners not to tip picks


The NFL doesn’t want anyone to screw up the ultimate reality show’s ultimate offseason reality show. So the NFL has once again told the companies that give the NFL billions of dollars every year to not let their employees report on or otherwise “tip” draft picks before Commissioner Roger Goodell announces those picks from the…

Report: Ryan Fitzpatrick would rather not play than accept current Jets offer


The standoff between the Jets and free agent quarterback Ryan Fitzpatrick has been going on for quite a while now and Fitzpatrick appears to be trying a new tactic to get the Jets to offer him more money. Adam Schefter of ESPN reports that Fitzpatrick has told people that he would “rather not play football”…

Colin Kaepernick makes on-field appearance at 49ers minicamp


It doesn’t look like there will be a trade that sends quarterback Colin Kaepernick from the 49ers to the Broncos during the draft, something that may remain the case well after the draft as well if Kaepernick’s salary for the 2016 season continues to be more than the Broncos want to pay. Another issue that…

Stan Van Gundy: Andre Drummond ‘open’ to underhanded free throws


Andre Drummond made 35% of his free throws this season – the worst mark among qualified players in NBA history. It was no fluke, either. Drummond, a career 38% free-throw shooter, has three of the five worst seasons ever from the line. How does Drummond fix this? Pistons coach Stan Van Gundy, via Rod Beard […]

Cardell Hayes indicted for second-degree murder of Will Smith


The man who shot former Saints defensive end Will Smith has been indicted on murder and attempted murder charges by a grand jury in New Orleans. Cardell Hayes was indicted on Thursday while a probable cause hearing was going on in a separate courtroom. That hearing was being held to determine if there was reason to charge…

Seahawks make moves in case they trade out of first again


The Seahawks actually have a first-round pick this year, at least for the moment. But they’ve covered themselves with some transactions, just in case they end up not using it again. The team announced they had signed former Panthers tight end Brandon Williams and former Saints defensive end Tavaris Barnes. Williams is the accomplished one…

Report: Lakers to interview David Blatt, interested in Doug Collins


The Lakers are reportedly prioritizing free-agent recruitment in their coaching search. So how about someone who reportedly alienated every veteran player at his last job? Marc Stein of ESPN: Sources say the Lakers also plan to interview former Cleveland Cavaliers coach David Blatt Or maybe a candidate who reportedly wore down all the players at […]

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МакSим о выступлении Трусовой под песню «Отпускаю»: «Как же мне приятно! Какой номер! Какой характер у этой девочки!»

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Chris Bosh, wife publicly lobbying Heat to play big man


Chris Bosh released a statement last month that he was “positive” he’d play again for the Heat this season. But Bosh still hasn’t returned after blood-clot issues, and Miami’s season could end soon. So, before yesterday’s Game 5, Bosh and his wife seemed to launch a coordinated public campaign urging the Heat to allow his […]

Chargers say they’ve been locked in on one player all along


With the Rams and Eagles set to take Jared Goff and Carson Wentz with the first two picks in the draft, the real intrigue starts at No. 3. But for all the talk that the Chargers have plenty of options with the third pick, they say they’ve always known which prospect they like best. Chargers…

Report: Reggie Ragland flagged for enlarged aorta


Alabama linebacker Reggie Ragland pops up in the first round of most mock drafts, but a medical issue may cause some teams to think twice about picking him. Ian Rapoport of NFL Media reports that Ragland has been “flagged” by some teams because he has an enlarged aorta. The condition requires yearly monitoring and can…

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