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Новости за 17.12.2016

Is this a Lamborghini Urus SUV test mule?

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 


With SUV’s becoming a popular choice of automobiles these days, every automaker is working on adding one such model to its product portfolio. Not only SUVs but also compact SUV’s and crossovers have found a new liking by people across the globe. Recently, British luxury automobile manufacturer Bentley unveiled their first and all new SUV, […]

Motoroids - Best auto news, reviews and features from the world with focus on India

BMW HoloActive Touch Concept to debut at Consumer Electronics Show 2017

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 


The BMW Group will provide another glimpse into the interior of the future at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2017 in Las Vegas. The BMW HoloActive Touch system will make a debut at the show. BMW HoloActive Touch is an interface between the driver and vehicle that acts like a virtual touchscreen. Its free-floating display is […]

Motoroids - Best auto news, reviews and features from the world with focus on India

Audi gets Rahil Ansari onboard as head of Indian operations

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 


Audi, the German luxury car manufacturer announced the appointment of Rahil Ansari as the Head of Audi India, effective February 1st, 2017. Rahil Ansari brings a range of experience in Finance, Sales, Network Development, Retail operations and Aftersales business. He moves to Audi India from Audi AG, where he heads the Global Pricing for Audi Genuine […]

Motoroids - Best auto news, reviews and features from the world with focus on India

Meet the Mercedes-Benz S-Class Coupé “Night Edition”

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 


Mercedes-Benz will extend its range of exclusive models with the of the S-Class Coupé: “Night Edition” from April 2017 in select markets. There is no confirmation about the India launch of the S-Class Coupé Night Edition. The “Night Edition” model will celebrate its world premiere at the Detroit auto show in January 2017. The exterior equipment details […]

Motoroids - Best auto news, reviews and features from the world with focus on India

Sixth Edition of Audi National Twin Cup concludes

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 


Audi India recently concluded the sixth edition of the Audi Twin Cup with participation from 33 Audi dealerships across India. A total of 92 teams comprising of 241 Audi dealer technicians and service advisors competed for the coveted championship titles. Six technical and six service teams made it to the exciting finals where the team from […]

Motoroids - Best auto news, reviews and features from the world with focus on India

This Ducati Scrambler Bavaria edition is a one-off model we would definitely want

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 


Yet another Italian beauty catches our attention, albeit sitting in a showroom waiting for a special someone. This one is not a Ferrari or a Lamborghini, but a rather subtle and cool Ducati Scrambler. What makes this model special is the fact that this model, known as the Scrambler Bavaria edition, is a one-off model […]

Motoroids - Best auto news, reviews and features from the world with focus on India

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